Actions in case of problems with TLS/SSL certificates on VEOS [Документация VAS Experts]
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Actions in case of problems with TLS/SSL certificates on VEOS

In case you have a problem with installing packages on the server and you see an error like this:

  - Curl error (60): Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates for [SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired]Error: Failed to download metadata for repo «baseos»: Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried
  1. You need to check the date and time on the server/in the bios. The date and time must be up to date.

    The output of timedatectl should state: System clock synchronized: yes.
    If not specified, edit /etc/chrony.conf, then execute systemctl restart chronyd.

    You can also swap out the VEOS pool for the Centos pool: pool 2.veos.pool.ntp.orgpool
  2. Verify that the root TLS certificate is not being spoofed:
    openssl s_client -connect
  3. Check firewall settings — port 443 should be open.
  4. Disable sslverify in /etc/dnf.conf (the line sslverify=0 should be added).
Disabling sslverify is an extreme and unrecommended measure that only disables certificate verification when installing packages, while other utilities (like curl) will not work.