Logging of bandwidth allocation by protocols and traffic classes [Документация VAS Experts]

Logging of bandwidth allocation by protocols and traffic classes

How to view bandwidth allocation by protocol

After checking, disable the parameter.

Please specify the setting below in the configuration file:


reload the service:

service fastdpi reload

The ouput will be writen to /var/log/dpi/fastdpi_stat.log

        Total :
                proto=20 ('rap' 38) {1/385:0/0}{1/172:0/0}
                proto=34 ('dns' 53) {2976/295842:0/0}{2976/471359:0/0}
                proto=56 ('http' 80) {63349/8292468:0/0}{40178/23869035:0/0}
                proto=82 ('pop3' 110) {11/1051:0/0}{14/4438:0/0}
                proto=94 ('ntp' 123) {8/912:0/0}{8/912:0/0}
                proto=336 ('https' 443) {13609/2688675:0/0}{15298/15473511:0/0}
                proto=482 ('http-alt' 591) {16/1392:0/0}{8/720:0/0}
                proto=678 ('cap' 1026) {2/190:0/0}{0/0:0/0}
                proto=679 ('solid-mux' 1029) {6/516:0/0}{0/0:0/0}
                proto=1091 ('ies-lm' 1443) {12/1100:0/0}{8/740:0/0}
                proto=1101 ('genie-lm' 1453) {1/86:0/0}{1/86:0/0}
                proto=1145 ('vlsi-lm' 1500) {6/516:0/0}{0/0:0/0}
                proto=1174 ('rap-service' 1530) {3/258:0/0}{0/0:0/0}
                proto=1180 ('ampr-inter' 1536) {1/86:0/0}{1/86:0/0}
                proto=1181 ('sdsc-lm' 1537) {2/343:0/0}{2/172:0/0}

1.internal protocol statistics index
2.protocol name
3.port number for protocol

direction subs → inet

4.number of packages
5.byte size ip total
6.dropped packages
7.dropped bytes

inet direction → subs

8.number of packages
9.byte size ip total
10.dropped packages
11.dropped bytes

Commandline for statistics output:

fdpi_ctrl stat –proto

How to check the class-divided bandwidth allocation

In the /etc/dpi/fastdpi.conf configuration file set the option:


Reload the service:

service fastdpi reload

In the /var/log/dpi/fastdpi_stat.log file the output will be displayed according to the classes like following:

[STAT    ][2017/12/07-13:12:32:334249] HTB : Statistics dscp=2, if 'dna2' :
              DSCP_actual stats Rcvd: [0 bytes][0.00 Mbit/sec]
                                      [0 pkts ][0.00 pkt/sec]
                                Drop: [0 bytes][0.00 %]
                                      [0 pkts ][0.00 %]
                                Send: [0 bytes][0.00 Mbit/sec]
                                      [0 pkts ][0.00 pkt/sec]
                                Esnd: [0 err_pkts][0.00 %]
[STAT    ][2017/12/07-13:12:32:334266] HTB : Statistics dscp=3, if 'dna2' :
              DSCP_actual stats Rcvd: [0 bytes][0.00 Mbit/sec]
                                      [0 pkts ][0.00 pkt/sec]
                                Drop: [0 bytes][0.00 %]

After the test being completed please disable dbg_log_mask=0x4 option.