Night work rules [Документация VAS Experts]

Night work rules

  1. all work is carried out via the SD (service desk)
  2. to carry out the work, SSH access must be provided (or teamviewer, less preferable), access must be checked by an employee and confirmed before agreeing on the time of work
  3. - before carrying out the work, the customer must inform SD about his readiness 15 minutes in advance (or other messengers like Skype/Telegram, if agreed beforehand)
  4. if there is no answer within 10 minutes, call the main telephone, then call the reserve number
  5. Attention! If there is no contact with the engineers, the work should be rescheduled
  6. If a positive response is received from the engineers, then the work is carried out in accordance with the work plan
  7. When the work is finished, the customer notifies SD and indicates in the notification if there are any questions or claims.