Troubleshouting [Документация VAS Experts]


  1. When receiving a netflow flow the following problem occurs : Oct 26 10:40:00 nfsen2-vasexperts nfcapd[10681]: Ident: 'full' Flows: 9821407, Packets: 317944403, Bytes: 267615491706, Sequence Errors: 116, Bad Packets: 0\\you have checked the network, no packet loss, CPU performance is enough, flow speed limitation doesn't take effect.
    Solution: Check the disk write operation, most likely it either brakes or is not sustainable, the network data has been received but they have no enough time to be flushed to disk, as a new piece of data arrives and the internal collector buffer overflows if the disk load is uneven, so the increase of the collector buffer $ BUFFLEN = 2,000,000; in the nfsen.conf configuration file might help