Making charts [Документация VAS Experts]

Making charts

Please check that you have at least one full day statistics before making the chart.

For your convenience, we created the scripts that automatically find top N protocols or directions (independent systems) and create a profile that plots each of them in an own color.

To start the script to build a profile with top protocols:

/usr/local/nfsen/bin/create_top_protocols --consumers 8 --divide-up-down --profile-name top_8_protocols

consumers 8 - is a number of protocols to plot (max. 10)
divide-up-down - means that inbound and outbound traffics are represented above and below zero axis
profile-name top_8_protocols - is the name of the profile to create1).

The script creates a profile named top_8_protocols. This profile makes charts with top 8 protocols by traffic are shown in different colors: Protocols that were not included in "top" are collected into "others" and have the same color. This profile is convenient to build reports by protocols as described in chapter Making reports.

You can also keep only those protocols that you are interested to see. To use this method, please uncheck the "extra" protocols in "Statistics" window placed below the charts.
Example: only torrents remain in the chart:

Similarly, one executes the script to build a profile with top directions:

/usr/local/nfsen/bin/create_top_directions --consumers 10 --divide-up-down --profile-name top_10_directions

The script creates a profile named top_10_directions. You can visually see, for example, the difference in traffic volumes of GOOGLE and FACEBOOK in this chart.

A profile is selected in the top right corner of NFSEN window. If you can not select the recently created profile: please use 'Stat' mark in the upper line.