Table of Contents
Working with Tagged Traffic MPLS/QinQ
To support tagged MPLS or QinQ traffic, it is necessary to change the MTU.
For QinQ, an MTU of 1508 is sufficient, while for MPLS, the MTU depends on the depth of the label stack.
Additionally, some implementations of the ISIS protocol use more MTU than specified in the network equipment settings.
Changing MTU
DPI provides the ability to increase the MTU to 1518 without changing other settings.
Settings depend on the cards used.
Intel Cards
In the configuration file fastdpi.conf
set the parameter snaplen=<mtu_size>
Mellanox Cards
- In the configuration file
set the parametersnaplen=<mtu_size>
- Set on the network interfaces:
ifconfig: sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 1500
nmcli: sudo nmcli connection modify team1-port1 802-3-ethernet.mtu 9000
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-if1 TYPE=Ethernet MTU=4096 PROXY_METHOD=none BROWSER_ONLY=no IPV6INIT=no IPV6_DEFROUTE=yes IPV6_FAILURE_FATAL=no IPV6_ADDR_GEN_MODE=default NAME="if1" UUID=53b84dd0-3c5e-3397-b764-7ad40f1ad14c DEVICE=enp129s0f0np0 ONBOOT=yes AUTOCONNECT_PRIORITY=-999 IPV6_DISABLED=yes
To see the list of all connections:
nmcli con show
A significant MTU change may lead to decreased performance and may require changes to other driver settings and internal DPI service settings.
If a more significant MTU change is necessary, consult with technical support.