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Triggers in QoE
Triggers are used to search for data in QoE Stor according to the specified parameters. After the trigger is fired, one of the following actions is possible:
- GUI notification
- HTTP action
- sending email
Required SSG options:
Required additional modules:
Trigger configuration example: Finding the source of a Flood DDOS attack
General Information
Trigger name «Source of DDoS», days of week – all, check frequency – every hour, number of positives – once, time and date of start/end - not specified.
- Add a field
- Name: A
- Choose a table to be scanned: Raw full netflow → Tables → Attacks detection → Top hosts IPs → Maxi
- Set the period from: «now – 15minute», until : «now»
- Add "+" 2 fields
- Bind – AND
- Function – avg
- Serie in the 1 field – session timeout <= 20(ms)
- Serie in the 2 field – number of sessions >= 1500
Error handling
- In the field "If no data" — No data
- In the field "If execution error or timeout" — Keep last state
- For automatic filling - click on the "</>" icon (automatic filling of the form)
- In the field "Send to" — specify email address
- For automatic filling - click on the "</>" icon (automatic filling of the form)
- Choose the notification type — "Warning"
- With this setting, a notification will be created in the SSG
You can get a link to the report in the notification menu
Select notification
Select - "Details"
Follow the link to the report - it will open in a new tab.
- For automatic filling - click on the "</>" icon (automatic filling of the form)
- Choose the method most suitable for your ticket system and enter the URL
Trigger configuration example: Finding the target of a Flood DDOS attack
It differs from the previous example in setting 2 and 3 stages (Queries and Conditions).
In the "Report" field choose Raw full netflow → Tables → Attacks detection → Top subscribers → Maxi
Serie — "Flow volume to subscribers", >= 10000
BotNet Analysis
It differs from the previous example in setting 2 and 3 stages (Queries and Conditions).
- Choose Raw full netflow → Tables → Attacks detection → Top application protocols → Maxi for the "А" value
- Raw full network → Tables → Raw log → Full raw log for the "B" value
Most often, BotNet uses ports 6667 and 1080 — add each destination/source port by selecting query "B" with value "OR" and choose Flow Pcts/s equal or more than 2000.
Subscriber's interest in competitor resources
General information
Trigger name «Subscriber's interest in competitor resources», days of week – all, check frequency – every hour, number of positives – once, time and date of start/end - not specified.
- Add "+" field
- Name А
Choose a table to be scanned: Raw clickstream → Tables → Raw clickstream - Name B
Choose a table to be scanned: Raw full netflow → Tables → Attacks detection → Top hosts IPs → Maxi - Set the period from: "now – 1 hour", until : "now"
- Add "+" 3 fields
- First field — choose table "А"; Bind – "OR"; Function – "avg"; Serie Host = * (or any other competitor ISP)
- Second field — choose table "B"; Bind "AND"; Function – "avg"; Serie Flow volume from subscriber, Pct/s >= 800
Error handling
- In the field "If no data" — No data
- In the field "If execution error or timeout" — Keep last state
- For automatic filling - click on the "</>" icon (automatic filling of the form)
- In the field "Send to" — specify email address
- For automatic filling - click on the "</>" icon (automatic filling of the form)
- Choose the notification type — "Warning"
- With this setting, a notification will be created in the SSG
You can get a link to the report in the notification menu
Select notification
Select — "Details"
Follow the link to the report — it will open in a new tab.
- For automatic filling — click on the "</>" icon (automatic filling of the form)
- Choose the method most suitable for your ticket system and enter the URL