Large Report Manager [Документация VAS Experts]

Large Report Manager

The "My Reports" section is designed for launching the generation of large reports in the background (for periods of several days or more). Such reports take a long time to build for operators with a large number of subscribers and place a heavy load on the database. This section allows users to initiate report generation in the background and queue multiple reports for execution.

Creating a New Report

There are two ways to create a report generation task:

  1. Go to the "QoE Analytics" → "My Reports" section. Click on + (Add Task) on the panel above the task list.
  2. Go to the "QoE Analytics" section, select the reports section and the desired report. On the panel above the report list, click the arrow next to the "Refresh" button and select "Create Report Task."
    :!: In this case, the necessary report will be automatically inserted into the "Report" field in the task creation window.

The task creation window will open:

Available settings:

  1. "Task Name" — automatically populated from the report name but can be changed.
  2. "Report" — if the task is created from a specific report, it will be inserted automatically; otherwise, the report must be selected manually from the dropdown list.
    Additionally, filters and report display settings can be configured using the "Filter" and "Report Settings" buttons to the right of the "Report" setting. See the Filters in QoE reports section for more details.
  3. Report Period ("Period From" and "Period To") — select the time range for report data inclusion.
  4. "Maximum Execute Time" — the maximum time (in hours) allowed for report generation. If the report is not completed within the specified time, the task execution will stop.
    The default is 4 hours. If the report is for a month or more, it is recommended to set it to 12 or 24 hours.
  5. "Time to store cache" — the duration (in days) for which cached report data is stored for loading the report. The default is 7 days. The cache is used for generating subsequent reports based on the current report data, optimizing performance.
  6. Priority settings:
    • "Priority" — determines the order of task execution, ranging from 1 (lowest priority) to 10 (highest priority). Tasks with higher priority are executed first. If two tasks have the same priority, the one created earlier will be executed first.
    • "No Queue" — specifies whether the task should be executed immediately, bypassing the queue. If enabled, the task is processed first, regardless of other reports.
      User login role settings can restrict priority modification permissions:
  7. Configuring report delivery via email or Telegram:
    • "Send to Email" — enable this option by checking the box to the right, enter the desired email address, and choose the report format: PDF or Excel.
    • "Send to Telegram" — enable this option by checking the box to the right, enter the channel ID, and choose the report format: PDF or Excel. See the QoE Triggers and Notifications → Step 5. Actions section for details on obtaining the channel ID.
      :!: Regardless of whether email or Telegram delivery is configured, the generated report is always stored in the "My Reports" section. The storage period is set in the "Cache Retention Time" parameter.
  8. "Split Report" — enables dividing a large report into multiple parts based on the specified number of hours. For example, setting it to 3 hours will split the report into sub-reports, each covering a 3-hour period.
    Maximum number of requests — 100.
    This feature is useful for generating large reports, such as monthly reports, when they exceed memory limits or the file size restriction for the selected format (up to one million records).
  9. "Delayed Start" — schedules the report generation to start at a specified time instead of immediately.

Managing Created Reports

Go to the "QoE Analytics" → "My Reports" section.

The following task management options are available:

  1. Edit
  2. Start
  3. Copy
  4. Delete
  5. Refresh task list

The section allows users to track task execution status in the corresponding table field.

To view a generated report: in the “Report” field, click the view icon, then click “Open Report” in the opened window.