Installation and update [Документация VAS Experts]

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2 Installation and update


Before installing or upgrading, check your Internet connection. Make shure you run scripts under the root or using sudo.
Check if the time and time zone are set correctly on the server. Correct and restart the server if necessary.

For automatically installation or upgrading follow these steps:

  1. Execute script.
    source <(curl

    It will cause the installation of the following packages: ipfixreceiver, clickhouse, fastor. All of them will be automatically configured according to the defaults.

  2. Restart your ssh terminal. You need to make command aliases available.
  3. Run the command

    The database schema will be updated.

Do not forget to execute

after installation. This insures cases when the schema does not have time to update as a result of a long restart of the database.


Upgrading is performed using the same scripts as in the Installation section.

Do not forget to execute

after update. This insures cases when the schema does not have time to update as a result of a long restart of the database.