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Data export
If necessary, you can independently generate your own reports without additional tools and upload data in any CSV, JSON, TabSeparated format.
Data is stored in 4 main logs
- qoestor.fullflow – full netflow log, storage period - 2 hours by default
- qoestor.clicksteam – full clickstream log, storage period - 2 hours by default
- qoestor.fullflow_agg – pre-aggregated netflow log, storage period - 14 days by default
- qoestor.clicksteam_agg – pre-aggregated clickstream log, storage period - 14 days by default
The command format is as follows
clickhouse-client --database=qoestor --query="Your sql is here"
By default data is uploaded in TabSeparated format.
Example. The client asked for a log of connections to a specific host in CSV format
clickhouse-client --database=qoestor --query="select * from fullflow prewhere flow_start_date = '2018-10-04' where (source_ipv4 = '' or destination_ipv4 = '') and host = '' ORDER BY flow_start_time limit 10 format CSV"
For detailed information on SQL ClickHouse, see the link