Service Management [Документация VAS Experts]

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3 Management of policing and services

Subscribers' management is handled by fdpi_ctrl utility.

The instruction format:

fdpi_ctrl command { --service service_identifier | --policing policing_description_file} [IP_list] [LOGIN_list]

Here 'command' is:

load : load data
del  : remove. You have to specify 'program_identifier' for '--service'. No need to specify for policing
list : show the information on the specified 'IP_list' or all the information if the argument is 'all'

service_identifier - is one of these values or their comma separated list:

1 - bonus program
2 - advertising
3 - block advertisements
4 - black list
5 - white list
6 - notifications
7 - caching
8 - DDos protection passed
9 - collect netflow statistics for billing

IP_list - is a sequence or one of the following options:

--file     - a file containing IP list
--ip       - a single IP
--ip_range - inclusive IP range
--cidr     - CIDR

LOGIN_list - is a sequence or one subscriber's name value in format:

--login USER1
--login "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME" is the option to indicate login with special symbols screening

IP list or LOGIN can be specified as:             a single IP inclusive IP range          CIDR
"USER1"                 specify LOGIN in quotes
'USER2'                 specify LOGIN in single quotes

Lines starting from '#' is treated as a comment.

One can specify 'all' instead of IP/LOGIN list in commands list, del, clear. It means to apply the command to all subscribers.


To get the policing application list:

fdpi_ctrl list all --policing

To get the list of subscribers with active service 1:

fdpi_ctrl list all --service 1

To get the information for specified IP:

fdpi_ctrl list --policing  --ip
fdpi_ctrl list --service 1 --ip

To activate service 1:

fdpi_ctrl load --service 1 --ip
fdpi_ctrl load --service 1 --login USER1

To activate policing policy:

fdpi_ctrl load --policing tbf.cfg --ip

To disable service 1:

fdpi_ctrl del --service 1 --ip

One can specify several options '–file', '–ip', '–ip_range', '–cidr' when specifying IP list:

fdpi_ctrl list --service 1 --ip --ip --file fip_1.txt --ip_range --login USER1

This action would be applied to all elements that do not cause any errors.
:!: No undo for changes that were already implemented is made on errors.

Detailed description on policing and services' management one can find in chapters devoted to the respective options.