Classifier logs [Документация VAS Experts]

Classifier logs

To open the "Classifier logs" section, open the main menu, point to the "Classifier" item and click on the "Logs" item. (fig. 1) <html><center></html> (fig. 1) <html></center></html>

The section looks like the picture below. (fig. 2) <html><center></html> (fig. 2) <html></center></html>

"Classifier logs" has sections:

  1. Files:
    1. "Refresh" button - refreshes the list of files.
    2. List of files.
  2. Content of the log file:
    1. Button "Download file completely" - downloads the file to your device.
    2. Options
      1. Search (Grep)
      2. Tail
      3. Number of lines before and after matching
  3. "Refresh" button - loads the contents of the file from the last saved copy.
  4. A form for viewing the contents of the selected file.