Server Configuration [Документация VAS Experts]

Server Configuration

This section contains a list of settings and their parameters.

The CAPTCHA client configuration is performed through the form and editor or directly via the .env configuration file.

Below is the diagram of the configuration graphical interface.

For each parameter, you can view a description by clicking the "Question" button to the right of the corresponding parameter.

To save the edited parameters, click the "Save" button.

To refresh the form, click the "Refresh" button.

For direct editing of parameters in the config file, open the Editor.

For a complete list of parameters, please refer to the content of the page below.

APP_DOMAIN - Domain for recording CAPTCHA code in cookies

APP_TITLE - Title of the CAPTCHA page

APP_LANG - Language of the CAPTCHA application

APP_TEMPLATE - Current template of the CAPTCHA form

APP\_STORE\_CAPTCHA - Method of storing CAPTCHA code

CAPTCHA_LANG - Language of the CAPTCHA

DPI_KEY - Code for interacting with DPI

TOKEN_SALT - CAPTCHA encryption salt

CAPTCHA_FORMAT - Format of the CAPTCHA image

CAPTCHA_LENGTH - Number of characters in the CAPTCHA image

CAPTCHA_SCALE - Font size in the CAPTCHA image

CAPTCHA_RANDOM - Choice between random CAPTCHA characters or generating CAPTCHA code from a dictionary


REDIRECT_SERVICE - Name of the service for redirection if the UrlRedir parameter is absent on the page

REDIRECT_SERVICE_URL - Link to the service for redirection