Installation [Документация VAS Experts]


Watch a tutorial (english subs):
Before installing or upgrading, check your Internet connection. Make sure you run scripts as root or run it using sudo.
Do not disable the standard firewall-cmd. The installation script uses it for self-configuration.

To install or upgrade, run the script:

sudo yum install wget

sudo wget

sudo sh

which installs the dpiui2 rpm package. All the needed settings will be done automatically according to your system current configuration.

The installation process will install/update the following environment:

  1. PHP >= 7.1
  2. MariaDB >= 10.2
  3. Apache
  4. Composer
  5. PHP SSH2 lib
  6. Laravel/Lumen

Required ports will be opened, as well as cron will be launched to perform background tasks on a schedule.

The subsystem will be installed to the



After installation, type in your browser address bar:

Attention!:https is used (not http)

The following account will be created by default:

  1. Login - admin
  2. Password - vasexperts