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Configuration and administration
File .env
Watch a tutorial (english subs):
Subsystem configuration is done by editing the .env file
The file has the following content:
#System settings. It should remain unchanged. APP_ENV=local APP_DEBUG=true APP_KEY= APP_TIMEZONE=UTC #Application URL. It is needed to form the correct link when sending QoE reports to e-mail APP_URL=https://localhost/ #System settings regarding connection to the MySql DB, it should remain unchanged DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=dpiui2 DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD=vasexperts #Settings regarding connection to the SMTP server. They are needed to send email notifications. CFG_SMTP_PW=dpiuitestdpiuitest CFG_SMTP_PORT=587 #tls or ssl CFG_SMTP_SECURE=tls #Technical support address #Address for sending of email copies CFG_SEND_COPY_EMAIL= #System settings, prohibited from changing CACHE_DRIVER=file QUEUE_DRIVER=database SESSION_DRIVER=cookie #Settings regarding connection to QoE Stor QOESTOR_DB_HOST=localhost QOESTOR_DB_PORT=8123 QOESTOR_DB_USER=default QOESTOR_DB_PASS='' QOESTOR_DB_NAME=qoestor QOESTOR_CACHE_LIFE_TIME_SEC=3600 QOESTOR_MAIN_LOG_PARTITIONS_LIFE_TIME_HOUR=24 QOESTOR_AGG_LOG_PARTITIONS_LIFE_TIME_DAYS=15 #Subscriber synchronization period in minutes (for the Subscribers and Services and Advertising sections) SM_SUBSCRIBERS_UPDATE_PERIOD_MINUTES=30 #Data сleanup period for charts in the Performance Section CHART_DATA_DELETE_DAYS_INTERVAL=60 #CG-NAT profile and statistics synchronization period CG_NAT_SYNC_MINUTES_INTERVAL=5 #Хост Vas Cloud VAS_CLOUD_HOST=
If changes to .env have been made, you should run the following command:
If the command is not found restart the ssh session in the terminal.
dpiui2 queue:restart
If the command is not found restart the ssh session in the terminal.
Equipment connection
Sudo user
The equipment is connected and controlled using the SSH protocol. Connection must be done under a user with sudo privileges, or under the root user (not recommended).
Watch a tutorial on connecting to DPI (english subs):
A new user should be created with sudo access granted on the connected equipment.
Let's consider dpisu
user creating as an example:
- Create the
dpisu user
adduser dpisu passwd dpisu
- Add to the
file the following stuffDefaults:dpisu !requiretty Defaults secure_path = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin dpisu ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
By doing this, you disable the dpisu user requirement for a password and the requiretty requirement when switching to sudo mode.
- Disable the requiretty requirement in the file
sed -i "s/^.*requiretty/#Defaults requiretty/" /etc/sudoers