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Configuration and administration
File .env
Watch a tutorial (english subs):
Subsystem configuration is done by editing the .env file
The file has the following content:
#System settings. It should remain unchanged. APP_ENV=local APP_DEBUG=true APP_KEY= APP_TIMEZONE=UTC #Application URL. It is needed to form the correct link when sending QoE reports to e-mail APP_URL=https://localhost/ #System settings regarding connection to the MySql DB, it should remain unchanged DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=dpiui2 DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD=vasexperts #Settings regarding connection to the SMTP server. They are needed to send email notifications. CFG_SMTP_PW=dpiuitestdpiuitest CFG_SMTP_PORT=587 #tls or ssl CFG_SMTP_SECURE=tls #Technical support address #Address for sending of email copies CFG_SEND_COPY_EMAIL= #System settings, prohibited from changing CACHE_DRIVER=file QUEUE_DRIVER=database SESSION_DRIVER=cookie #Settings regarding connection to QoE Stor QOESTOR_DB_HOST=localhost QOESTOR_DB_PORT=8123 QOESTOR_DB_USER=default QOESTOR_DB_PASS='' QOESTOR_DB_NAME=qoestor QOESTOR_CACHE_LIFE_TIME_SEC=3600 QOESTOR_MAIN_LOG_PARTITIONS_LIFE_TIME_HOUR=24 QOESTOR_AGG_LOG_PARTITIONS_LIFE_TIME_DAYS=15 #Subscriber synchronization period in minutes (for the Subscribers and Services and Advertising sections) SM_SUBSCRIBERS_UPDATE_PERIOD_MINUTES=30 #Data сleanup period for charts in the Performance Section CHART_DATA_DELETE_DAYS_INTERVAL=60 #CG-NAT profile and statistics synchronization period CG_NAT_SYNC_MINUTES_INTERVAL=5 #Хост Vas Cloud VAS_CLOUD_HOST=
If changes to .env have been made, you should run the following command:
dpiui2 queue:restart
<html><span style="font-size:0.7em">If the command is not found restart the ssh session in the terminal.</span ></html>
Equipment connection
Sudo user
The equipment is connected and controlled using the SSH protocol. Connection must be done under a user with sudo privileges, or under the root user (not recommended).
Watch a tutorial on connecting to DPI (english subs):
A new user should be created with sudo access granted on the connected equipment.
Let's consider dpisu
user creating as an example:
- Create the
dpisu user
adduser dpisu passwd dpisu
- Add to the
file the following stuffDefaults:dpisu !requiretty Defaults secure_path = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin dpisu ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
By doing this, you disable the dpisu user requirement for a password and the requiretty requirement when switching to sudo mode.
- Disable the requiretty requirement in the file
sed -i "s/^.*requiretty/#Defaults requiretty/" /etc/sudoers