BRAS PPPoE CLI [Документация VAS Experts]

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BNG/BRAS PPPoE-sessions management

This is a fastdpi command, so you have to specify the fastdpi address in the -r argument of the utility.

pppoe show all

Output of all PPPoE-sessions

fdpi_cli -r <address> pppoe show all
# Synonym for the command:
fdpi_cli -r <address> pppoe show sessions

pppoe show session

Output of a specific PPPoE-session by a specified key:

fdpi_cli -r <address> pppoe show session [ip=X | mac=X | login=X]

The key is specified by one of the parameters:

  • ip - subscriber's IPv4- or IPv6-address
  • mac - subscriber's MAC-address
  • login - subscriber's login


fdpi_cli -r pppoe show session ip=
fdpi_cli -r pppoe show session ip=2001:89:7896:5::
fdpi_cli -r pppoe show session mac=00:1b:21:bc:a3:0c
fdpi_cli -r pppoe show session login=piter_smith

pppoe show stat

Output of PPPoE-sessions internal statistics

fdpi_cli -r <address> pppoe show stat

pppoe term

Session termination.

fdpi_cli -r <address> pppoe term [hard] [ip=X | mac=X | login=X]

The command pppoe term is a soft reset: which sends LCP Termination Request to subscriber and expects Term Ack response. If there is no response from the subscriber, Term Req is repeated. If the subscriber does not respond after all attempts (set by fastdpi.conf-parameter bras_ppp_max_terminate), the session is completely terminated.

The command pppoe term hard sends a PPPoE PADT packet to the subscriber and terminates the session without requiring confirmation.

The subscriber is specified by one of the parameters:

  • mac=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX - subscriber's MAC-address;
  • ip=X.X.X.X - subscriber's IP-address (IPv4 or IPv6);
  • login=xxx - subscriber's login;

It should be noted that the MAC-address is the primary unique key of a PPP-session. All other keys are secondary and not unique, that is, when the session ends by IP or by login, it is possible to terminate several sessions.


fdpi_cli -r pppoe term mac=01:02:03:60:70:99
fdpi_cli -r pppoe term hard ip=

pppoe renew pool

Forced DHCP Renew for the addresses, allocated from a pool

  # General command format
fdpi_cli -r pppoe renew pool [ip=X | mac=X | login=X]

The subscriber is specified by one of the parameters:

  • mac=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX - subscriber's MAC-address;
  • ip=X.X.X.X - subscriber's IP-address (IPv4 or IPv6);
  • login=xxx - subscriber's login;


fdpi_cli -r pppoe renew pool ip=
fdpi_cli -r pppoe renew pool ip=2001:89:7896:5/64
fdpi_cli -r pppoe renew pool mac=00:1b:21:bc:a3:0c
fdpi_cli -r pppoe renew pool login=piter_smith