BRAS DHCPv6 CLI [Документация VAS Experts]

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View and management of the internal DHCPv6-sessions fastdpi BRAS database. This is a fastdpi command, so you have to specify the fastdpi address in the -r argument of the utility.

DHCP6 show all

Output of the complete database of DHCPv6-sessions fastdpi:

fdpi_cli -r <address> dhcp6 show all

DHCP6 show

Output of sessions by specified keys:

fdpi_cli -r <address> dhcpv6 show [ip=X | mac=X | login=X]

You should set one of the keys:

  • ip=X - subscriber's IPv6-address
  • mac=X - subscriber's MAC-address
  • login-X - output of all DHCPv6-sessions by the specified login


   fdpi_cli -r dhcp6 show ip=2001:abed:def0::
   fdpi_cli -r dhcp6 show mac=01:02:03:05:06:07
   fdpi_cli -r dhcp6 show login=john_smith

DHCP6 show stat

Output of current statistics on DHCPv6-sessions:

fdpi_cli -r <address> dhcp6 show stat

DHCP6 reauth

fdpi_cli -r <address> dhcp6 reauth mac=X

Subscriber re-authorization with a specified key.

To reduce the load on the Radius-server, BNG/BRAS caches the DHCPv6 data from the Radius for the address lease duration, and responds to the Renew/Rebind DHCPv6 Request of the subscriber. Sometimes it is required to indicate to DPI that the next subscriber's request should be sent to Radius without waiting for the lease time to expire. This is what the dhcp6 reauth command is for.


   fdpi_cli -r dhcp6 reauth mac=01:02:03:05:06:07