Accounting CLI [Документация VAS Experts]

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Accounting CLI

View and management of fastpcrf accounting-sessions.

This is a fastdpi command, so you have to specify the fastdpi address in the -r argument of the utility.

pcrf acct show all

Output of fastpcrf accounting database. Note that the presence of an entry in the output of this command does not necessarily mean that there is an active accounting-session. If the entry does not have a session-id attribute, then such entry is not active.

fdpi_cli pcrf acct show all

pcrf acct show active

Output of fastpcrf accounting active sessions database. The output of this command includes active sessions and sessions terminated in the previous 5 minutes

fdpi_cli pcrf acct show active

pcrf acct show

Output of accounting-sessions by a specified key.

fdpi_cli pcrf acct show [ip=X | session=X | multi_session_id=X | login=X | uid=X]

You should set one of the keys:

  • ip - subscriber's IPv4- or IPv6-address
  • session - accounting session-id
  • multi_session_id - accounting multi-session-id
  • login - subscriber's login
  • uid - internal unique identifier of the aggregation record. This id is assigned when the record is created and, unlike the session-id, never changes.

Examples ( - fastpcrf-server address):

fdpi_cli -r pcrf acct show ip=
fdpi_cli -r pcrf acct show ip=2001:5098:89::/64
fdpi_cli -r pcrf acct show session=67890978DAE00067
fdpi_cli -r pcrf acct show multi_session_id=M67890978DAE00067
fdpi_cli -r pcrf acct show login=JohnSmith
fdpi_cli -r pcrf acct show uid=1034

pcrf acct raw show

Output of raw data (raw-level by IP) of the accounting database. This is non-aggregated data coming from fastDPI.

fdpi_cli pcrf acct raw show [all | ip=X | session=X | multi_session_id=X | login=X | uid=X]

You should set one of the keys:

  • all - output of complete raw DB
  • ip - subscriber's IPv4- or IPv6-address
  • session - accounting session-id
  • multi_session_id - accounting multi-session-id
  • login - subscriber's login
  • uid - output of raw records included in the aggregation record with the specified internal unique identifier


   # output of all records
fdpi_cli pcrf acct raw show all
   # search by IP
fdpi_cli pcrf acct raw show ip=
fdpi_cli pcrf acct raw show ip=2001:5098:89::/64
   # search by session-id or multi-session-id:
fdpi_cli pcrf acct raw show session=67890978DAE00067
fdpi_cli pcrf acct raw show multi_session_id=M67890978DAE00067
   # search by login:
fdpi_cli pcrf acct raw show login=JohnSmith
   # search by UID
fdpi_cli pcrf acct raw show uid=34098

pcrf acct show stat

Output of internal statistics of fastpcrf accounting database

fdpi_cli pcrf acct show stat

pcrf acct [start | stop | idle | restart]

Accounting sessions management

fdpi_cli pcrf acct [start | stop | idle | restart] [ip=X | session=X | multi_session_id=X | login=X | uid=X]


  • start - starts the accounting-сессию for the specified subscriber. Valid arguments are ip, login. If the session is already active, the command is ignored.
  • stop - stops the accounting-sessions. Such arguments as session and ip stop one session, others can stop multiple sessions.
  • idle - stops the accounting-sessions in case of idle timeout. The difference from stop command is that a session terminated by a data immutability timeout starts automatically when subscriber traffic appears, unless the acct_auth_sync synchronization mode is enabled. Such arguments as session and ip stop one session, others can stop multiple sessions.
  • restart - stops the current active session and starts a new one. Если сессия неактивна, она становится активной. If the session is inactive, it becomes active. If the session is active, it is stopped and a new session is started with a different session id.

You should set one of the arguments:

  • ip - subscriber's IPv4- or IPv6-address
  • session - accounting session-id (relates to stop, restrart, idle commands)
  • multi_session_id - accounting multi-session-id
  • login - subscriber's login
  • uid - internal unique identifier of the aggregation record. This id is assigned when the record is created and, unlike the session-id, never changes.


   # Start of accounting sessions for all login IP addresses
fdpi_cli pcrf acct start login=JohnSmith
   # Send Acct Stop for session 67890978DAE00067
fdpi_cli pcrf acct stop pcrf acct stop session=67890978DAE00067
   # Restart an acct-session for IP
fdpi_cli pcrf acct restart ip=
fdpi_cli pcrf acct restart ip=2001:5098:89::/64
   # Stop all multisessions by idle timeout
fdpi_cli pcrf acct idle multi_session_id=M67890978DAE00067

pcrf acct interim

Sending interim update immediately for specified sessions. To send an interim update, the session must be active.

fdpi_cli pcrf acct interim [ip=X | session=X | multi_session_id=X | login=X | uid=X]

You should set one of the arguments:

  • ip - subscriber's IPv4- or IPv6-address
  • session - accounting session-id
  • multi_session_id - accounting multi-session-id
  • login - subscriber's login
  • uid - internal unique identifier of the aggregation record. This id is assigned when the record is created and, unlike the session-id, never changes.


fdpi_cli pcrf acct interim ip=
fdpi_cli pcrf acct interim ip=2001:5098:89::/64
fdpi_cli pcrf acct interim multi_session_id=M67890978DAE00067
fdpi_cli pcrf acct interim session=67890978DAE00067
fdpi_cli pcrf acct interim login=JohnSmith