
Configuring GUI, SSG, and WiFi HotSpot with Session Management Enabled

Network Topology

  1. Connect the equipment according to the network topology.

Authorization Sequence

  1. The subscriber connects to the WiFi network
  2. A welcome page appears informing the subscriber to open a browser and identify themselves
  3. The subscriber opens a browser, and upon navigating to any URL, they are redirected to the identification page
  4. The subscriber enters their phone number and requests an access code
  5. The access code is sent to the phone number via SMS
  6. The subscriber enters the received access code
  7. Session cookies are recorded on the subscriber's device for a specified period, and the subscriber is redirected to the requested URL

Setting Up Virtual Machines (VM)

  1. Create two virtual machines with the following minimum specifications:
    • VM dpiui_vm – 1 CPU, 2GB RAM, 50GB hard disk, Guest OS CentOS 7, NIC 1
    • VM cp_wifi_vm – 1 CPU, 1GB RAM, 30GB hard disk, Guest OS CentOS 7, NIC
  2. Install the latest version of CentOS 7 (build-2009 at the time of writing) on both virtual machines. Choose minimal installation during setup.
    After OS installation, open the console and install packages on both VMs: first
    yum install epel-release

    and then:

    yum install nano tcpdump openssh-server openssh-clients
  3. Disable SELinux on both VMs:
    • Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/selinux
    • Set the parameter SELINUX=disabled and reboot the VM

Installing and Configuring dpiui_vm

  1. Install DPIUI on dpiui_vm following the instructions
  2. Configure the network on both VMs and SSG:

    IPADDR — specify for each host according to the scheme (or use your own addressing).

  3. Log in to the GUI and add both VMs and SSG in the "EQUIPMENT" section, following the instructions:

Installing and Configuring cp_wifi_vm

  1. Install the wifi_hotspot package on the cp_wifi_vm VM following the instructions:
  2. Edit the configuration file for Hotspot:
    nano /var/www/html/wifi_hotspot/backend/.env

    Change/add only these lines:

      NAS server address, IPv4/IPv6, if unknown —
      NAS server port, number, if unknown — 0
    3. AAA_HOTSPOT_ID – 2
      Network access point ID, integer between 0 and 1000, must be filled in for public WiFi access points, corresponds to the access point ID in field 1 from the access point export
      Enable AAA export
      Change the number of characters in the SMS authorization code

If the parameter AUTH_CODE_LENGTH is set, then in the file /var/www/html/wifi_hotspot/frontend/env.js set the value:

AppEnv.AuthCodePlaceHolder = "0000";

Finally, run the command:

php /var/www/html/wifi_hotspot/backend/artisan queue:restart

Installing and Configuring dhcp-isc on cp_wifi_vm

  1. Install the dhcp-isc package:
    yum install dhcp expect
  2. Configure the static ARP scripts and the dhcpd.conf configuration file:
    • First, the dhcpd configuration file:
      nano /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf

      Set your values for option domain-name and option ntp-servers!

      ddns-update-style none;
      db-time-format local;
      log-facility local7;
      subnet netmask {
        default-lease-time 600;
        max-lease-time 600;
        option subnet-mask;
        option broadcast-address;
        option routers;
        option ntp-servers <ntp-server>;
        option domain-name-servers;
        option domain-name "name.local";
        on commit {
            set ClientIP = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address);
            set ClientMac = concat (
            suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware,1,1))),2), ":",
            suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware,2,1))),2), ":",
            suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware,3,1))),2), ":",
            suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware,4,1))),2), ":",
            suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware,5,1))),2), ":",
            suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware,6,1))),2));
            log(concat("Request: IP: ", ClientIP, " Mac: ", ClientMac));
       execute("/usr/local/etc/dhcpd/clients_add_drop.sh", "add", ClientIP, ClientMac);}
        on release {
            set ClientIP = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address);
            set ClientMac = concat (
            suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", 
      substring(hardware,1,1))),2), ":",
            suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware,2,1))),2), ":",
            suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware,3,1))),2), ":",
            suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware,4,1))),2), ":",
            suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware,5,1))),2), ":",
            suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware,6,1))),2));
            log(concat("Release: IP: ", ClientIP, " Mac: ", ClientMac));
            execute("/usr/local/etc/dhcpd/clients_add_drop.sh", "drop_rls", ClientIP, ClientMac);}
        on expiry {
            set ClientIP = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address);
            log(concat("Timeout: IP: ", ClientIP));
            execute("/usr/local/etc/dhcpd/clients_add_drop.sh", "drop_exp", ClientIP);}
      subnet netmask {

      Create directories and change their permissions:

      mkdir /usr/local/etc/dhcpd/ && chown dhcpd:dhcpd /usr/local/etc/dhcpd/
      touch /usr/local/etc/dhcpd/clients_add_drop_mysql.sh && touch /usr/local/etc/dhcpd/clients_add_drop.sh 
      && chown dpiacc:dpiacc /usr/local/etc/dhcpd/*
      chmod 755 /usr/local/etc/dhcpd/
      chmod 755 /usr/local/etc/dhcpd/*

      Next, copy the following script to /usr/local/etc/dhcpd/clients_add_drop.sh:

      #!/usr/bin/expect -f
      set METHOD [lindex $argv 0]
      set IP_ADDR [lindex $argv 1]
      set MAC_ADDR [lindex $argv 2]
      set MAC_ADDR [string toupper $MAC_ADDR]
      #Client interface on Mikrotik:
      set INT_ClIENT "vWifi"
      set status 0
      #Recording dhcp-lease (start and end) in the Hotspot database
      spawn /usr/local/etc/dhcpd/./clients_add_drop_mysql.sh "$METHOD" "$IP_ADDR" "$MAC_ADDR"
      expect "end_mysql";
      #Connecting to the router
      spawn ssh -i /usr/local/etc/dhcpd/.ssh/id_rsa admin+t@ -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
      expect {
          "password:" {send "\n";}
          "timeout" {set status 1;}
          ">" {}
      if { $METHOD == "add" && $status == 0} {
      send "ip arp add address=$IP_ADDR mac-address=$MAC_ADDR interface=$INT_ClIENT\r";
      expect ">";
      send "ip firewall address-list remove \[find address=$IP_ADDR list=DROP_CLIENTS\]\r";
      expect ">";
      send "log info \"ADD: $IP_ADDR -- $MAC_ADDR\"\r";
      expect ">"
      send "quit\r";
      expect eof
      } elseif { $METHOD == "drop_rls" && $status == 0} {
      send "ip arp remove \[find mac-address=$MAC_ADDR\]\r";
      expect ">";
      send "ip firewall address-list add address=$IP_ADDR list=DROP_CLIENTS\r";
      expect ">";
      send "log info \"DROP_RLS: $IP_ADDR -- $MAC_ADDR\"\r";
      expect ">"
      send "quit\r";
      expect eof
      } elseif { $METHOD == "drop_exp" && $status == 0} {
      send "ip arp remove \[find address=$IP_ADDR\]\r";
      expect ">";
      send "ip firewall address-list add address=$IP_ADDR list=DROP_CLIENTS\r";
      expect ">";
      send "log info \"DROP_EXP: $IP_ADDR\"\r";
      expect ">"
      send "quit\r";
      expect eof
      } elseif {$status == 0} {
      send "quit\r";
      expect eof
      exit 1;
      set status 0
      #Connecting to SSG and adding static subscriber record
      spawn ssh -i /usr/local/etc/dhcpd/.ssh/id_rsa dpisu@ -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
      expect {
          "password" {send "\r"}
          "timeout" {set status 1; exit 4}
          "\$" {}
      if {$status == 0} {
      send "/var/dpiui2/add_captive_portal_auth_ivstar.sh $IP_ADDR\r"
      expect "\$"
      send "exit\r";
      expect eof

      And copy the following script to /usr/local/etc/dhcpd/clients_add_drop_mysql.sh for adding dhcp-lease data to the Hotspot database:

      MYSQL_CONNECT_LEASEDB="mysql -u root -pvasexperts -Dwifi_hotspot -h"
      if [ "$METHOD" = "add" ]; then
          echo "insert into hotspot_aaa(TYPE,MAC,IP) values("1",\""$MAC_ADDR"\",\""$IP_ADDR"\");" | $MYSQL_CONNECT_LEASEDB
         [ "$METHOD" = "drop_rls" ]; then
          echo "insert into hotspot_aaa(TYPE,MAC,IP) values("2",\""$MAC_ADDR"\",\""$IP_ADDR"\");" | $MYSQL_CONNECT_LEASEDB
         [ "$METHOD" = "drop_exp" ]; then
          echo "insert into hotspot_aaa(TYPE,MAC,IP) values("2",\"""\",\""$IP_ADDR"\");" | $MYSQL_CONNECT_LEASEDB
      echo "end mysql"

      Enable the dhcpd server and add a firewall rule:

      systemctl enable dhcpd
      systemctl start dhcpd
      firewall-cmd --permanent —add-service=dhcp
      firewall-cmd --reload
  3. Create a script for transferring the session file to FTP:
    mkdir  /srv/aaa/
    mkdir  /srv/aaa/processed/
    mkdir  /srv/aaa/script/
    touch /srv/aaa/script/script.sh

    Copy the content into /srv/aaa/script/script.sh:

    FTP_ADDR="<ip ftp>"
    FTP_USER="<user ftp>"
    FTP_PASS="<password ftp>"
    #Directory with AAA Hotspot
    ls $DIR | while read f; do
        curl --user $FTP_USER:$FTP_PASS --upload-file $DIR
    /$f ftp://$FTP_ADDR/ISP/aaa/  > /dev/null 2>&1
        mv $DIR/$f /srv/aaa/processed

    and add to cron:

    crontab -e
    */5 * * * * /srv/aaa/script/script.sh
  4. Create an SSH key pair:
    mkdir usr/local/etc/dhcpd/.ssh && cd usr/local/etc/dhcpd/.ssh
    ssh-keygen -t rsa

Leave the passphrase empty.
Attention! Transfer id.pub to SSG ( and Mikrotik (!

Configuring SSG

  1. Configure the DB for users on SSG:
    nano /etc/dpi/fastdpi.conf  
  2. Set up filtering based on the federal list:
    #redirect to page
  3. Set the default class:
  4. Enable IPFIX export:
    • Configure the eth1 interface: nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
      IPADDR=<ip address>
      ipfix_tcp_collectors=<ip:port ipfix collectors>
      ipfix_meta_tcp_collectors=<ip:port ipfix collectors>
      ipfix_dns_tcp_collectors=<ip:port ipfix collectors>
      ipfix_nat_udp_collectors=<ip:port ipfix collectors>
  5. Minimize traffic in class 7:
    tbf_class7=rate 1kbit
    tbf_inbound_class7=rate 1kbit
  6. Enable redirect to Captive portal: cp_server= (ip cp)
  7. Disable NAT for private addresses: nat_exclude_private=1
  8. Other SSG settings:
  9. Replace the content of the script /var/dpiui2/add_captive_portal_auth_ivstar.sh with the following:
    fdpi_ctrl load --service 5 --profile.name='hotspot_white_list_profile' --ip $1
    fdpi_ctrl load --service 11 --profile.name='NAT_PUBLIC_WIFI' --ip $1
    fdpi_ctrl load --policing --profile.name='wifi_hotspot_auth_policing' --ip $1
  10. Add the public key for Hotspot access to SSG in the file /home/dpisu/.ssh/authorized_keys:
    fdpi_ctrl load --service 5 --profile.name='hotspot_white_list_profile' --ip $1
    fdpi_ctrl load --service 11 --profile.name='NAT_PUBLIC_WIFI' --ip $1
    fdpi_ctrl load --policing --profile.name='wifi_hotspot_auth_policing' --ip $1

    Save all changes in the file /etc/dpi/fastdpi.conf and perform a reboot.

  11. Configure the eth0 interface for access to Hotspot and DPIUI:
    nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Configuring DPI and Hotspot via DPIUI

Configuring prioritization by protocols.

1. Go to the DPI Management tab → PROTOCOL PRIORITIZATION (DSCP) → Editor

2. CG-NAT on SSG:
Go to the Services Management tab → Services → CGNAT
Create a profile:
Description: NAT_WIFI
NAT IP pool: <public ip>
Number of TCP sessions: 1000 (per subscriber)
Number of UDP sessions: 1000 (per subscriber)

Hotspot Configuration:

  1. Go to the Services Management tab → Hotspot
    Web server: WiFi-Hotspot (VM cp_wifi_vm previously set up in DPIUI)
    Captive portal URL: (cp url)
    Session lifetime: 36000
    Redirect URL: https://google.ru (redirect page after successful authorization)
  2. Enable WiFi and SMS authorization
    SMS authorization through sms.ru service:
    Method: Post
    URL: https://sms.ru/sms/send
  3. Body (From):
    api_id  =  <id from sms.ru personal account>
    to  =  [PHONE]
    msg  =  Your code for WIFI: [CODE]

Hotspot Tariffs (in the editor):

  1. Tariff for authorization:
    htb_inbound_root=rate 5mbit ceil 5mbit burst 2500kbit cburst 2500kbit
    htb_inbound_class0=rate 8bit ceil  5mbit burst 8bit cburst 2500kbit
    htb_inbound_class1=rate 8bit ceil  8bit burst 8bit cburst 8bit
    htb_inbound_class2=rate 8bit ceil  8bit burst 8bit cburst 8bit
    htb_inbound_class3=rate 8bit ceil  8bit burst 8bit cburst 8bit
    htb_inbound_class4=rate 8bit ceil  8bit burst 8bit cburst 8bit
    htb_inbound_class5=rate 8bit ceil  8bit burst 8bit cburst 8bit
    htb_inbound_class6=rate 8bit ceil  8bit burst 8bit cburst 8bit
    htb_inbound_class7=rate 8bit ceil  8bit burst 8bit cburst 8bit
    htb_root=rate 100kbit ceil 100kbit burst 50kbit cburst 50kbit
    htb_class0=rate 8bit ceil  100kbit burst 8bit cburst 50kbit
    htb_class1=rate 8bit ceil  8bit burst 8bit cburst 8bit
    htb_class2=rate 8bit ceil  8bit burst 8bit cburst 8bit
    htb_class3=rate 8bit ceil  8bit burst 8bit cburst 8bit
    htb_class4=rate 8bit ceil  8bit burst 8bit cburst 8bit
    htb_class5=rate 8bit ceil  8bit burst 8bit cburst 8bit
    htb_class6=rate 8bit ceil  8bit burst 8bit cburst 8bit
    htb_class7=rate 8bit ceil  8bit burst 8bit cburst 8bit
  2. Tariff for free WiFi:
    htb_inbound_root=rate 10mbit ceil 10mbit burst 5mbit cburst 5mbit
    htb_inbound_class0=rate 8bit ceil  10mbit burst 8bit cburst 5mbit
    htb_inbound_class1=rate 8bit ceil  10mbit burst 8bit cburst 5mbit
    htb_inbound_class2=rate 8bit ceil  10mbit burst 8bit cburst 5mbit
    htb_inbound_class3=rate 8bit ceil  10mbit burst 8bit cburst 5mbit
    htb_inbound_class4=rate 8bit ceil  10mbit burst 8bit cburst 5mbit
    htb_inbound_class5=rate 8bit ceil  10mbit burst 8bit cburst 5mbit
    htb_inbound_class6=rate 8bit ceil  10mbit burst 8bit cburst 5mbit
    htb_inbound_class7=rate 8bit ceil  8bit burst 8bit cburst 8bit
    htb_root=rate 10mbit ceil 10mbit burst 5mbit cburst 5mbit
    htb_class0=rate 8bit ceil  10mbit burst 8bit cburst 5mbit
    htb_class1=rate 8bit ceil  10mbit burst 8bit cburst 5mbit
    htb_class2=rate 8bit ceil  10mbit burst 8bit cburst 5mbit
    htb_class3=rate 8bit ceil  10mbit burst 8bit cburst 5mbit
    htb_class4=rate 8bit ceil  10mbit burst 8bit cburst 5mbit
    htb_class5=rate 8bit ceil  10mbit burst 8bit cburst 5mbit
    htb_class6=rate 8bit ceil  10mbit burst 8bit cburst 5mbit
    htb_class7=rate 8bit ceil  8bit burst 8bit cburst 8bit

3. Services:
Go to Services Management, enable CGNAT, and select the NAT_WIFI profile.

4. Allow list:
Go to the Services Management tab → Services → Block lists and Allow lists.
Select the desired profile and create a list: ip (cp ip)
If there is a DNS record for CP, add it as: cn example.com
Save settings through the interface.

Mikrotik Configuration (

  1. Configure Client Interface on Mikrotik:
    Upgrade to Router OS 6.48.x
      /interface vlan
      add arp=reply-only arp-timeout=10m interface=sfp1 name=vWifi vlan-id=40
      /ip settings
      set icmp-rate-limit=5 rp-filter=strict
      /ip address
      add address= interface=vWifi network=
      /ip dhcp-relay
      add dhcp-server= disabled=no interface=vWifi local-address= name=relay1
      /ip dns
      set servers=
      /ip route
      add distance=1 dst-address= gateway=<specify gateway> pref-src=
      /system clock
      set time-zone-name=Europe/Moscow
      /system ntp client
      set enabled=yes primary-ntp=<specify ntp server>
      /tool bandwidth-server
      set authenticate=no enabled=no
  2. Configure IP Connectivity between DHCP/Hotspot and Mikrotik

Unifi Network Configuration

  1. Configure Ubiquiti Access Points:
  1. Configure Network and Additional Settings:
    • Go to Settings → Network
      Create a new network with VLAN 40, name it `WiFi-Client`, set the gateway as ``, and configure other options as desired.
    • Go to Settings → Guest Control
      In Pre-Authorization Access, specify the IP of the Hotspot (
    • Go to Settings → Wireless Networks
      • Create a WiFi network.
      • Enter any name/SSID.
      • Check Enabled.
      • Check Open.
      • Check Guest Policy.
      • Select `WiFi-Client` in Network.
      • Check Block LAN to WLAN Multicast and Broadcast Data.
      • Check Allow BSS Transition with WNM.
      • Check Block Tunneled Link Direct Setup (TDLS) connections.
      • Check Isolate stations on layer 2 (ethernet) level.
    • Click Save.