Support for subscribers with multiple IP

Subscribers with multiple IPs are treated by DPI as one subscriber: services and available bandwidth management are common to all the IPs belonging to such a subscriber. Often such a subscriber is a corporate user who was given a channel and an IP addresses set, and then he autonomously allocates the available resources.

Service and channel management for such a subscriber is performed by a codename (login) specified in control commands by corresponding --login long option.
To support the DPI login binding feature you need to activate the UDR.

The binding of IP addresses with this name is performed using the special command

fdpi_ctrl load --bind_multi --user subscriber_name:ip_address_or_range

IP addresses can be assigned to a subscriber as a single IP address or by IP addresses range:                      single IPv4 address          range (includes the range boundaries)                   CIDR,          list
2a00:0:0:0:7aac:c0ff:fea7:d4c/64 IPv6 subnet

To delete all the IPs associated with login

fdpi_ctrl del --bind_multi --login subscriber_name

Deleting one of the IPs associated with login

fdpi_ctrl del --bind_multi --ip

To list all the IP addresses belonging to subscriber with multiple IPs

fdpi_ctrl list --bind_multi --login subscriber_name

To list all the subscribers with multiple IPs

fdpi_ctrl list all --bind_multi