Tariff schedule

This section allows you to create schedule for tariff plans. After the schedule is created and saved, selected sub-tariffs will be applied according to its settings.

To open the form with the schedule of the tariff plan, you should to select one of the tariff plans in the “Tariff plans” section and click on the “Schedule” button. You can also open the form by clicking on the calendar icon located opposite each tariff plan.


(Figure 1)


Tariff plan schedule setting form

Here you can create, modify and delete a schedule for the selected tariff plan.

Also, you can disable the schedule for a particular tariff plan.


(Figure 2)


On this form are located:

Create a tariff plan schedule


(Figure 3)


You must specify the following in this form:

Edit the schedule of the tariff plan

You can modify the time, tariff name, and days of week in this form.


(Figure 4)
