====== Configuring export in IPFIX (Netflow 10) ====== {{indexmenu_n>3}} NetFlow control can be changed by next setting: netflow_full_collector_type=1 * ''**0**'' - export in NetFlow5 format (default value). * ''**1**'' - IPFIX export to a UDP collector. * ''**2**'' - IPFIX export to a TCP collector. \\ The ''netflow_tos_format'' parameter defines the data format of the TOS field in IPFIX.\\ * ''**0**'' - default value. * ''**3**'' - bit (priority only). * ''**1**'' - 6-bit (full DSCP). \\ The following is an IPFIX (Netflow v10) export template for IPv4. ^ Export template for IPFIX format (Netflow v10) ^^^^^^^ ^ № ^ Size ^ Type ^ IANA ^ Description ^ Note ^ Use in QoEStor ^ | 1 | 8 | int64 | 0 | OCTET_DELTA_COUNT | NetFlow v9 analogy IN_BYTES | Used | | 2 | 8 | int64 | 0 | PACKET_DELTA_COUNT | NetFlow v9 analogy IN_PKTS | Used | | 4 | 1 | int8 | 0 | PROTOCOL_IDENTIFIER | NetFlow v9 analogy PROTOCOL | Used | | 5 | 1 | int8 | 0 | IP_CLASS_OF_SERVICE | NetFlow v9 analogy TOS | Used | | 7 | 2 | int16 | 0 | SOURCE_TRANSPORT_PORT | NetFlow v9 analogy L4_SRC_PORT | Used | | 8 | 4 | int32 | 0 | SOURCE_IPV4_ADDRESS | NetFlow v9 analogy IPV4_SRC_ADDR | Used | | 11 | 2 | int16 | 0 | DESTINATION_TRANSPORT_PORT | NetFlow v9 analogy L4_DST_PORT | Used | | 12 | 4 | int32 | 0 | DESTINATION_IPV4_ADDRESS | NetFlow v9 analogy IPV4_DST_ADDR | Used | | 16 | 4 | int32 | 0 | BGP_SOURCE_AS_NUMBER | NetFlow v9 analogy SRC_AS | Used | | 17 | 4 | int32 | 0 | BGP_DESTINATION_AS_NUMBER | NetFlow v9 analogy DST_AS | Used | | 152 | 8 | int64 | 0 | FLOW_START_MILLISECOND | | Used | | 153 | 8 | int64 | 0 | FLOW_END_MILLISECOND | | Used | | 10 | 2 | int16 | 0 | INPUT_SNMP | NetFlow v9 analogy ingressInterface | Used | | 14 | 2 | int16 | 0 | OUTPUT_SNMP | NetFlow v9 analogy egressInterface | Used | | 60 | 1 | int8 | 0 | IP_VERSION | NetFlow v9 analogy IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION | Used | | 2000 | 8 | int64 | 43823 | SESSION_ID | | Used | | 2001 | - | string | 43823 | HTTP_HOST or CN_HTTPS | | Used | | 2002 | 2 | int16 | 43823 | DPI_PROTOCOL | | Used | | 2003 | - | string | 43823 | LOGIN | Radius UserName | Used | | 225 | 4 | int32 | 0 | POST_NAT_SOURCE_IPV4_ADDRESS | | Used | | 227 | 2 | int16 | 0 | POST_NAPT_SOURCE_TRANSPORT_PORT | | Used | | 2010 | 2 | int16 | 43823 | FRGMT_DELTA_PACKS | Fragmented packets delta. Used in QoEStor. | Used | | 2011 | 2 | int16 | 43823 | REPEAT_DELTA_PACK | Retransmissions delta. Used in QoEStor. | Used | | 2012 | 4 | int32 | 43823 | PACKET_DELIVER_TIME | Latency (RTT/2), ms (RTT = Round Trip Time). Used in QoEStor. | Used | | 2016 | 2 | int16 | 43823 | BRIDGE_CHANNEL_NUM | Channel number (vchannel) or bridge. If vchannel is configured in the DPI configuration, then the channel number will be transmitted, otherwise the bridge number. Used in QoEStor. | Used | | 6 | 2 | int16 | 0 | TCP_FLAGS | TCP Control Bits | Used | | 58 | 2 | int16 | 0 | SRC_VLAN | Vlan ID | Used | | 59 | 2 | int16 | 0 | DST_VLAN | Post Vlan ID | Used | | 56 | 6 | mac_address | 0 | SRC_MAC | Source MAC Address | Used | | 57 | 6 | mac_address | 0 | DST_MAC | Destination MAC Address | Used | | 2017 | - | raw | 43823 | MPLS Lables | | Used | | 132 | 8 | int64 | 0 | DROPPED_BYTES | Dropped Octet Delta Count | Used | | 133 | 8 | int64 | 0 | DROPPED_PACKETS | Dropped Packet Delta Count | Used | | 2019 | 1 | int8 | 43823 | originalTOS | Original tos value from the IP header | Used | Below is an IPFIX export template for an IPv6 protocl for IPv6. The following fields are missing from this template: ** //SOURCE_IPV4_ADDRESS//, //DESTINATION_IPV4_ADDRESSs//, //POST_NAT_SOURCE_IPV4_ADDRESS//, //POST_NAT_SOURCE_TRANSPORT_PORT//**, – and contains the following fields: ^ Export template for IPv6 ^^^^^^ ^ № ^ Num of bytes ^ Data type ^ IANA ^ Description ^ Note ^ | 27 | 16 | int128 | 0 | SOURCE_IPV6_ADDRESS | NetFlow v9 analogy IPV6_SRC_ADDR | | 28 | 16 | int128 | 0 | DESTINATION_IPV6_ADDRESS | NetFlow v9 analogy IPV6_DST_ADDR | To collect, process and store IPFIX we suggest using [[en:dpi:dpi_components:qoestor:start|the QoE Store statistics module]] and [[en:dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:start|DPIUI2 graphical interface]].\\ For extended information in IPFIX format can be used any universal IPFIX collector, for instance - [[https://github.com/CESNET/ipfixcol/tree/master/base|CESNET ipfixcol]] or our utility [[en:dpi:dpi_components:utilities:ipfixreceiver2|IPFIX Receiver]].