====== Output of control commands using the JSON format ====== {{indexmenu_n>11}} Output in JSON format is provided to simplify the parsing of command output when integrating with external platforms and WEB. To do that you should specify an additional option: --outformat json For the convenience of working with json, we recommend installing the jq utility: yum install epel-release yum-config-manager --disable epel yum --enablerepo epel install jq **Examples** Formatted output of the result of the command fdpi_ctrl list all profile --policing --outformat json|jq . View usage statistics for different policing profiles fdpi_ctrl list all --policing --outformat json|jq '.lpolicings[].description.name'|sort|uniq -c or the same in json format by jq fdpi_ctrl list all --policing --outformat json|jq '[{ name: .lpolicings[].description.name, login: .login }] | group_by(.name) | .[] | { name: .[0].name, count: . | length}' For later use, you can turn this into a bash function function fdpi_policing_stat() { fdpi_ctrl list all --policing --outformat json|jq '[{ name: .lpolicings[].description.name, login: .login }] | group_by(.name) | .[] | { name: .[0].name, count: . | length}'; } and then just call this function from the command line fdpi_policing_stat For regular use of functions you can save them in a .bash_profile file.