====== fastdpi_stat.log ====== {{indexmenu_n>3}} The file is placed in the directory: ///var/log/dpi/fastdpi_stat.log//\\ This log contains statistics on traffic processed and blocked by VAS Experts DPI, on memory and processor load (file **stat.log**).\\ {{ :dpi:dpi_components:platform:mon_stat:stat_log1.png?600 |}}\\ Image 1 Information is presented as follows (see Image 1, Image 2): * Memory used:\\ **1** – date and time of data accessing, \\ **2** – memory type, \\ **3** – information volume. * CPU load: \\ **4** – general load, \\ **5** – load by cores. * Statistics on VAS Experts DPI interfaces:\\ **6** – full statistics on received packets/bytes, blocked packets on all interfaces, \\ **7** - full statistics on received packets/bytes, blocked packets on the dna0 interface, here: * Rcvd: [2372621 pkts][381635326 bytes][0 pkts dropped] – received packets/bytes * Send: [4457954 pkts][4526709192 bytes] – transmitted packets/bytes * Esnd: [0 err_pkts][0.00 %] - errors occurred while sending packets * Drop: [0 pkts][0 bytes] – blocked packets/bytes * Pthr: [0 pkts][0 bytes] – the number of packets/bytes passing without analysis and processing * Emit: [0 pkts][0 bytes] – packets formed by VAS Experts DPI * Eemt: [0 err_pkts][0.00 %] - errors that occurred when sending packets generated by VAS Experts DPI\\ **8** – actual statistics on received packets/bytes, blocked packets on dna0 interface, \\ **9** – full statistics on the number of captured, processed, sent packets/sec (see Image 2), e.g. [Captured 1.47 pkt/sec][Processed 1.47 pkt/sec][Send 0.00 pkt/sec].\\ IPv4_thread_slave=#1 or 0 – flow statistics (0 or 1) – flow number.\\ {{ :dpi:dpi_components:platform:mon_stat:stat_log2.png?600 |}}\\ Image 2 * Protocol statistics: * Statistics by IP:\\ **10** – current flows number, here\\ IPv4_total : allocate=1708/3008000 – parameter is set in ///etc/dpi/fastdpi.conf://\\ mem_tracking_flow (e.g.=3008000)\\ 3008000 – total / 1708 – taken * Blocking counters:\\ url/lock=341/5 ( 0,0 )( 1,1,0,98879 )\\ ssl/lock=47/0 ( 21,457 )( 0,69,69,196647 )\\ chnprc=0\\ //ccheck/ip_check/lock//=2954/503/76\\ url/lock – URL checked/blocked\\ * ( 0,0 ) :\\ first 0 – number of URLs that could not be parsed\\ second 0 – number of packets with partial URLs (URL in several packets)\\ ( 1,1,0,98879 ) :\\ 1 – parsers used\\ 1 – parsers were used in total\\ 0 – how many parsers are not involved after use\\ 98879 – how many parsers can be created\\ * ssl/lock – similarly to URL, but for cname\\ chnprc=0 – parser change http ←→ htpps\\ //ccheck/ip_check/lock// – 2954/503/76 statistics on check by IP/port\\ * 2954 – were to check by IP \\ 503 – how many times the check was actually performed\\ 76 – packets blocked * Firewall statistics – **11**. * Netflow statistics – **12**, In version 9.4.1 statistics on packet sizes have been expanded, Jumbo Frames have been added\\ [STAT ][2020/09/09-13:44:33:322801] Packet size (abs/delta, in %): <=64 <=128 <=256 <=512 <=1024 <=2048 <=4096 <=8192 >8192 subs->inet: 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0 inet->subs: 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0 0.0/0.0