======= Classifier model ======= {{indexmenu_n>4}} **Classifier model** - this section allows you to use the convenience of the graphical interface to access files on the server, works like a file manager. \\ \\ To open the "Classifier Model" section, open the main menu, point to the "Classifier" item and click on the "Classifier Model" item. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:uгser_guide:site_clsfr:site_clsfr_ru_fig_9.png?400 |}} The section looks like the picture below. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:uгser_guide:site_clsfr:site_clsfr_ru_fig_10.png?600 |}} The "Classifier Model" has sections: - Models (hidden by default, click on the inscription "Models" to open): - Button "+" - opens a form (fig. 3) for adding a model. - Button "Duplicate model" - opens a form (fig. 4) for duplicating a model. - Button "Set model by default" - opens the form (fig. 5) for setting the model by default. - "Refresh" button - refreshes the list of models. - List of models. - Folders (Code): - Button "+" - opens a form (fig. 6) for adding a folder (code). - "Refresh" button - refreshes the list of folders (code) in the selected models. - List of folders (code) in the selected models. - Files: - Button "+" - opens a form (fig. 7) for adding a file. - Button "Set folder" - opens a form (fig. 8) for changing the model and folder for the selected files. - "Delete" button - deletes the selected sites. - "Delete All" button - deletes all sites in the selected categories. - "Refresh" button - refreshes the list of files in the selected folders. - List of files in selected folders. - File contents: - "Save" button - saves changes in the selected file. - The "Check" button - performs a check and opens a form (fig. 9), which displays: the correctness of recognition in percent and the probable category in the "Category name (Code / Folder)" format for the content of the selected file. - Button "Get" - opens a form (Fig. 10) for receiving the text of the site by URL. - "Refresh" button - refreshes the content of the selected file. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:uгser_guide:site_clsfr:site_clsfr_ru_fig_11.png?400 |}} \\ \\ {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:uгser_guide:site_clsfr:site_clsfr_ru_fig_12.png?400 |}} \\ \\ {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:uгser_guide:site_clsfr:site_clsfr_ru_fig_13.png?400 |}} \\ \\ {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:uгser_guide:site_clsfr:site_clsfr_ru_fig_14.png?400 |}} \\ \\ {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:uгser_guide:site_clsfr:site_clsfr_ru_fig_15.png?400 |}} \\ \\ {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:uгser_guide:site_clsfr:site_clsfr_ru_fig_16.png?400 |}} \\ \\ {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:uгser_guide:site_clsfr:site_clsfr_ru_fig_17.png?400 |}} \\ \\ {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:uгser_guide:site_clsfr:site_clsfr_ru_fig_18.png?400 |}} \\ \\