Case 16. Exporting Large QoE Reports via CLI [Документация VAS Experts]

Case 16. Exporting Large QoE Reports via CLI

Exporting is performed using the script fastor-report-cli.

Run the script and execute the following commands on the QoE master server.

Example workflow:

  1. Create a folder for storing and editing SQL queries:
    mkdir -p /tmp/reports_sql
  2. Create a folder for storing results (reports):
    mkdir -p /tmp/reports_results
  3. Copy the prepared SQL query template to the folder created in step 1:
    cp /var/qoestor/backend/app_bash/export/reports_cli/top_hosts_ips.sql /tmp/reports_sql

    In this example, the TOP IP hosts query — top_hosts_ips.sql — is copied.

  4. Edit the query: set the period and add filters.
  5. Execute the query on all nodes with the command
    fastor-report-cli -r top_hosts_ips.sql -d /tmp/reports_results -w /tmp/reports_sql


    • -w /tmp/reports_sql — working directory with your queries
    • -r top_hosts_ips.sql — your query
    • -d /tmp/reports_results — directory where the report files will be stored
  6. If you need to cancel the query:
    1. Press Ctrl-Z
    2. Look under GUI QoE Analytics → Administrator in the Query Process List report to see if the query is still in processes.
Attention! There is no time limit set for these queries. That is, if you do not ensure that the query has completed, it may run indefinitely.