1. What to do if dependencies cannot be resolved when installing the system?

If you encounter such errors:

Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: glibc-headers-2.12-1.212.el6.x86_64 (base)
Requires: kernel-headers >= 2.2.1

you need to comment out the parameter exclude=kernel* in the yum configuration file /etc/yum.conf.

2. How to reset the admin password?
  1. Log into MySql:
    mysql -u root --password=vasexperts dpiui2;
  2. Execute the command:
    update users set password='$2y$10$cYIXdOYJ2M2H8vPZuUG3Xe6GRJ1gGZ1Mi7MPBWyfYuJnbMHT0nlDq' where username='admin';
  3. Exit MySql:
3. I mistakenly installed DPIUI2 (GUI) on the DPI server. How to remove it?

To completely remove it, run the script dpiui2-rpm_uninstall.sh.
Launch order:

sudo yum install wget
sudo wget https://vasexperts.ru/install/dpiui2-rpm_uninstall.sh
sudo sh dpiui2-rpm_uninstall.sh
4. What to do if https://wiki.vasexperts.com/ does not open from the GUI?
  1. Type

    in the browser's address bar

  2. Set the parameter #same-site-by-default-cookies to disabled