.In the example, the blocks corresponding to the interfaces are highlighted with a marker.
fast-epdg { swu { <config-name> { apn= ike=aes256-sha256-sha1-prfsha256-prfsha1-modp2048-modp1024! esp=aes256-sha256-sha1-modp2048-modp1024! leftsubnet= } } auth { interface = swm { app_id = swm realm = host = <server-name> { priority = local = remote = proto = } } swx { app_id = swx realm = host = <server-name> { priority = local = remote = proto = } } s6b { app_id = s6b realm = host = <server-name> { priority = local = remote = proto = } } } tunnel { iface = pdn = pgw { gtp { mcc = mnc = tac = cid = enbid = realm = <server-name> { apn = priority = devname = devmode = subnet = qos { qci = mbr_ul = mbr_dl = gbr_ul = gbr_dl = } gtp-c { local = remote = } gtp-u { local = remote = } } } } } syslog { daemon { ike = cfg = lib = } } }