url/lock=341/5 ( 0,0 )( 1,1,0,98879 ) ssl/lock=47/0 ( 21,457 )( 0,69,69,196647 ) chnprc=0 ccheck/ip_check/lock=2954/503/76
url/lock - verifyed url/locked
( 0,0 ) : the first 0 - number of url, that could not be parsed. the second 0 - number of packets with partial (or relative) url ( url is transmitted in several packets )
( 1,1,0,98879 ) - 1 - the number of parsers used 1 - the total number of parsers 0 - the number of released parsers after use 98879 - the maximum number of parsers that can be created
ssl/lock - similar to url, just for cname
chnprc=0 - parser altering http ←→ htpps
ccheck/ip_check/lock - 2954/503/76 IP/port check statistics
2954 - the number of IP check to be accomplished 503 - actual number of IP checks performed 76 - the number of packets being blocked