Access-Accept format for the PPPoE networks

The Access-Accept response means that the subscriber is authorized, the balance is sufficient, and he is assigned an IP address. Attributes:

Поддерживаются следующие VSA-атрибуты Microsoft (vendor-id=311, RFC2548), все они не являются обязательными:

VASExperts VSA attributes (vendor-id=43823) are not mandatory:

[41] VASExperts-DHCP-DNS - the IP address of the DNS server. There can be no more than two VASExperts-DHCP-DNS attributes: one for the primary DNS server and one for the secondary one.

DNS server addresses can be specified through Microsoft VSA-attributes or VASExperts VSA-attributes.

In addition to the mentioned above attributes, Access-Accept must contain a subscriber policing profile and the activated services list, see subscriber properties attrubutes

Session lifetime

If the response doesn't contain the Session-Timeout attribute, the PPPoE session is considered to be unlimited and will be terminated either by explicit disconnection performed by subscriber or due to inactivity timeout being exceeded.

If the Session-Timeout is specified, then the VAS Experts DPI will break the PPPoE session after the expiry of a prescribed period. The PPPoE session break is clearly described in the PPP/PPPoE specifications and consists in sending special term messages to the subscriber; the subscriber, having received term, can create a new PPPoE-session.