Both algorithms are compatible and can work together.
Subscriber activity monitoring is an L2 BRAS function that blocks traffic from the internet to the subscriber if the subscriber shows no activity (no traffic from the subscriber to the internet).
During its operation, L2 BRAS records the time T of the last packet received from the subscriber. Within the T + bras_subs_activity_timeout
activity interval, the subscriber is considered active and all packets from the internet to the subscriber are allowed. If the subscriber becomes inactive, meaning the activity interval has been exceeded since the last packet from the subscriber, L2 BRAS drops the incoming traffic.
Additionally, the bras_subs_activity_ping_timeout
function can be set to ping the subscriber if they become inactive. The ping is performed by sending a unicast ARP request to the subscriber: if a response to the ARP unicast request is received, it updates the last packet reception time from the subscriber, thus considering the subscriber active.
Activity monitoring only works on outgoing subscriber traffic (from the subscriber to the internet). This control can be particularly relevant for subscribers with a static public address.
Subscriber activity monitoring is configured with the following parameters in fastdpi.conf
— sets the activity interval in seconds. 0 (default) — disables activity monitoring.bras_subs_activity_ping_timeout
— timeout in seconds for pinging the subscriber with an ARP request. 0 (default) — disables ARP pinging of the subscriber. If the subscriber is inactive, unicast ARP requests will be sent to them every bras_subs_activity_ping_timeout
SHCV (Subscriber Host Connectivity Verification) monitors the activity of DHCP subscribers similarly to Nokia by proactively monitoring the state of the subscriber's DHCP session. If there is no traffic from the subscriber to the internet within bras_dhcp_shcv_interval
seconds, fastDPI starts pinging the subscriber by sending unicast ARP requests on behalf of the subscriber's gateway. The ARP request response wait time is bras_dhcp_shcv_retry_timeout
seconds. If no response is received to bras_dhcp_shcv_retry_count
consecutive ARP requests or the ARP response contains a different MAC, the subscriber is considered inactive, and their DHCP session is terminated.
Session termination mechanism:
— subscriber inactivity interval, seconds.bras_dhcp_shcv_retry_timeout
— ARP request response wait time, in secondsbras_dhcp_shcv_retry_count
— number of ARP requests without response.