====== Troubleshooting ======
===== 1. The instruction "service fastdpi reload" does not work =====
This instruction loads "hot" parameters without service restart:
service fastdpi reload
If this instruction is absent, the following instruction gives the similar effect:
kill -HUP 555
here 555 - is PID of the fastdpi process
However it is better to [[en:dpi:update:previous:ver_1_0|update DPI to version 1.0]].
===== 2. Utilities url2dic and ip2bin are absent =====
Install utilities by the instruction: yum install dpiutils
"Vasexperts" repository must be attached if required:
rpm --import http://vasexperts.ru/centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-vasexperts.ru
rpm -Uvh http://vasexperts.ru/centos/6/x86_64/vasexperts-repo-1-0.noarch.rpm
===== 3. The network driver can not be loaded after the kernel's update =====
1. In case your network driver can not be loaded after the kernel's update, you can try to resolve the issue by yourself:
ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/extra
If kernel modules pf_ring.ko and igb.ko (or ixgbe.ko for 10G cards) are not present in this directory, please copy them from the similar directory of the previous kernel version: find /lib/modules -name pf_ring.ko
cd path_found
cp pf_ring.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/extra
cp igb.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/extra # or ixgbe
and execute these instructions:
depmod -a
modprobe pf_ring
modprobe igb # or modprobe ixgbe
2. If your network card supports bypass functionality: you need to recover the bypass driver as well.
To find the driver:
find /lib/modules -name bpctl_mod\*
Copy it to extra:
cp bpctl_mod.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/extra
depmod -a
To verify operation:
bpctl_util all get_bypass
Please [[en:dpi:techsupport_info#contacts|contact tech support]] if these steps do not help.