====== Detecting SSH bruteforce attacks using triggers in QoE ======
[[en:dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:user_guide:qoe_analytics:triggers_and_notifications|Triggers]] are used to search for data in the QoE Stor by specified parameters. After the trigger action one of the following steps is possible:
* notification in GUI
* HTTP action
* sending an email
The required options of the Stingray Service Gateway:
* [[en:dpi:dpi_options:opt_statistics|]]
* [[en:dpi:dpi_options:opt_notify|]]
Required additional modules:
* [[en:dpi:dpi_components:dpiui|]]
* [[en:dpi:dpi_components:qoestor|]]
===== System trigger to detect SSH bruteforce attacks =====
Trigger to detect SSH bruteforce attacks (Name - "ssh bruteforce") is a system trigger and is available in the subsection "QoE Analytics" - "Triggers and Notifications" (disabled by default).
{{ dpi:qoe:use_cases:dpiui2_triggers_bruteforce.png?nolink&600 |}}
=== General trigger information ===
{{ dpi:qoe:use_cases:dpiui2_triggers_bruteforce_common.png?nolink&600 |}}
* The name of the trigger "ssh bruteforce";
* Days of the week - all;
* Checking frequency - every 10 minutes;
* Trigger frequency - 0;
* Start/end dates and times are customizable if needed.
Every day at intervals of 10 minutes the data will be checked under the conditions described below.
=== Queries ===
{{ dpi:qoe:use_cases:dpiui2_triggers_bruteforce_queries.png?nolink&600 |}}
For this trigger, an uneditable query with the following parameters is set:
* Table to scan: Raw full netflow → Tables → Attacks detection → SSH bruteforce;
* Period from: now - 30 minutes
* Period from: now - 20 minutes
=== Conditions ===
{{ dpi:qoe:use_cases:dpiui2_triggers_bruteforce_conditions.png?600 |}}
* Add "+" 2 fields
* Bind - AND
* Function - avg
* Series in field 1 - session lifetime to subscriber <= 20(ms)
* Series in field 2 - number of sessions per subscriber >= 1500
We set the conditions for the trigger action: The average duration of an SSH-session to a subscriber is less than 20ms and the number of SSH-sessions for the subscriber is more than 1500 in the processed time period.
=== Errors processing ===
{{ dpi:qoe:use_cases:ddos_error.png?nolink&600 |}}
* In the "If no error" field - no data
* In the "If execution error or timeout" field - save the last state
In this configuration, if there are no errors, the data will not be saved, if there are errors - the information about the suspicious activity will be saved.
=== Actions ===
== E-mail ==
{{ dpi:qoe:use_cases:ddos_email.png?nolink&600 |}}
* For automatic filling of the form - click on the ">" icon
* In the "Send to" field - specify an email address
* With this setting, when triggered, a notification will be sent to the specified email address: ID, trigger name, status, link to the report (saved state).
== Notification ==
{{ dpi:qoe:use_cases:ddos_notification.png?nolink&600 |}}
* For automatic filling of the form - click on the ">" icon
* Select the type of notification - "Warning"
* This setting will create a notification in the Stingray Service Gateway
{{ dpi:qoe:use_cases:dpiui2_triggers_bruteforce_alerting.png?nolink&600 |}}
You can get a link to the report in the notification menu
{{ dpi:qoe:use_cases:dpiui2_triggers_bruteforce_notofication.png?nolink&400 |}}
Choose the notification
Click "Details"
{{ dpi:qoe:use_cases:dpiui2_triggers_bruteforce_notofication_details.png?nolink&400 |}}
Click on the link to the report - the report will open in a new browser tab.
== HTTP action ==
{{ dpi:qoe:use_cases:ddos_http.png?nolink&600 |}}
* For automatic filling of the form - click on the ">" icon
* Choose the most suitable method for your ticket system and enter the URL.