====== Making a signed EDS request ====== {{indexmenu_n>7}} === How to create a signed EDS request === **Note: this service is provided by tech support** 1. Fill in a file by your requisites as shown here [[http://vasexperts.ru/upload/request.xml|request.xml]]\\ 2. Sign the file filled by your requisites.\\ **The signature must be not attached but separate, as depicted here:**\\ http://cryptoarm.ru/elektronnaya-podpis-dlya-dostupa-k-reestru-zapreshennih-saitov\\ you must to check: create a signature in a separate file.\\ Use DER encoding.\\ **Note:**\\ " - you must to check on: create a signature in a separate file. "\\ The signature only, without the original file, must be placed to the additional file.\\ 3. Check the signed request here [[http://www.gosuslugi.ru/pgu/eds/|Signature verification]], please select: digital document - digital signature, detached, in PKCS#7 format.\\ 4. Send the signed request and the list of e-mail addresses to send notifications with loaded files to sd@vas.expert.\\ 5. The signed request is set up in clouds. The loaded data (as tgz file) are sent to provided e-mails 4 times per day. Please notify sd@vas.expert in case the system does not send files with loads of Federal Supervision Agency for Information Technologies lists for more than 12 hours.\\ **Note! You are responsible for renewal of the request file. Carefully notice when the next signed request is required.**