====== Configuring IPFIX receivers ====== {{indexmenu_n>3}} Configuring ipfix receivers via the .env file \\ /var/qoestor/backend/.env The standard configuration looks like this \\ #Ipfix form DPI 0 IPFIX_FULLFLOW_PORT_TYPE[0]=tcp IPFIX_FULLFLOW_PORT[0]=1500 #IPFIX_FULLFLOW_ROTATE_MINUTES[0]=10 #IPFIX_FULLFLOW_ROTATE_DELAY_SECONDS[0]=0 #IPFIX_FULLFLOW_FW_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE[0]=10 #IPFIX_FULLFLOW_DUMP_INSERT_PROCESSES[0]=0 #IPFIX_FULLFLOW_EXPORT[0]=, IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_PORT_TYPE[0]=tcp IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_PORT[0]=1501 #IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_ROTATE_MINUTES[0]=12 #IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_ROTATE_DELAY_SECONDS[0]=400 #IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_FW_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE[0]=10 #IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_DUMP_INSERT_PROCESSES[0]=0 #IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_EXPORT[0]=, IPFIX_GTPFLOW_PORT_TYPE[0]=tcp IPFIX_GTPFLOW_PORT[0]=1502 #IPFIX_GTPFLOW_ROTATE_MINUTES[0]=10 #IPFIX_GTPFLOW_ROTATE_DELAY_SECONDS[0]=0 #IPFIX_GTPFLOW_FW_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE[0]=10 #IPFIX_GTPFLOW_DUMP_INSERT_PROCESSES[0]=0 #IPFIX_GTPFLOW_EXPORT[0]=, IPFIX_NATFLOW_PORT_TYPE[0]=tcp IPFIX_NATFLOW_PORT[0]=1503 #IPFIX_NATFLOW_ROTATE_MINUTES[0]=10 #IPFIX_NATFLOW_ROTATE_DELAY_SECONDS[0]=0 #IPFIX_NATFLOW_FW_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE[0]=10 #IPFIX_NATFLOW_DUMP_INSERT_PROCESSES[0]=0 #IPFIX_NATFLOW_EXPORT[0]=, IPFIX_DNSFLOW_PORT_TYPE[0]=tcp IPFIX_DNSFLOW_PORT[0]=1504 #IPFIX_DNSFLOW_ROTATE_MINUTES[0]=10 #IPFIX_DNSFLOW_ROTATE_DELAY_SECONDS[0]=0 #IPFIX_DNSFLOW_FW_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE[0]=10 #IPFIX_DNSFLOW_DUMP_INSERT_PROCESSES[0]=0 #IPFIX_DNSFLOW_DPI_ID[0]=30 #IPFIX_DNSFLOW_BALANCER_SUB_PROTO[0]=tcp #Traffic direction definition # 0 - as is # 1 - by AS (for fullflow only) # 2 - by CIDR (for fullflow and clickstream) # 3 - by both: AS and CIDR # 4 - any: AS or CIDR TRAFFIC_DIR_DEF_MODE=0 #Subscriber filter # 0 - no filter # 1 - by AS (for fullflow only) # 2 - by CIDR (for fullflow and clickstream) # 3 - by both: AS and CIDR # 4 - any: AS or CIDR SUBSCRIBER_FILTER_MODE=0 #Subscriber exclude # 0 - no exclude # 1 - by AS (for fullflow only) # 2 - by CIDR (for fullflow and clickstream) # 3 - by both: AS and CIDR # 4 - any: AS or CIDR SUBSCRIBER_EXCLUDE_MODE=0 #Enable host (url) categories dics autoload URLS_CATEGORIES_DIC_AUTOLOAD_ENABLED=1 #Enable asnum dic autoload ASNUM_DIC_AUTOLOAD_ENABLED=1 #Enable auto replacing Login with vchannel on insert # 0 - Disabled # 1 - Enabled # 2 - Enabled if Login is empty ULR_REPLACE_LOGIN_WITH_VCHANNEL=0 # Use dictionary when replacing login ULR_USE_DIC_WHEN_REPLACING_LOGIN=0 # Enable autoload of vchannel_name_dic ULR_VCHANNEL_NAME_DIC_AUTOLOAD_ENABLED=0 # vchannel_name_dic remote url ULR_VCHANNEL_NAME_DIC_URL= #Import NAT events from fullflow NAT_IMPORT_FROM_FULLFLOW # 0 - Disabled # 1 - Enabled #Fields to save when aggregating NAT log (bitmask) # 0x1 - Save protocol ID # 0x2 - Save event type, # 0x4 - Save source ipv4, # 0x8 - Save source port, # 0x10 - Save destination ipv4, # 0x20 - Save destination port, # 0x40 - Save post NAT source ipv4, # 0x80 - Save post NAT source_port, # 0x100 - Save session ID, # 0x200 - Save login, # 0x400 - Save DPI ID NAT_AGG_LOG_FIELDS_TO_SAVE_BITMASK=0 #Time interval for aggregating NAT logs NAT_AGG_LOG_GROUP_TIME_INTERVAL # 1 - 1 minute # 5 - 5 minutes # 10 - 10 minutes # 15 - 15 minutes # 30 - 30 minutes # 60 - 60 minutes In the presented configuration, the launch of fullflow and clickstream receivers is configured on tcp sockets 1500 and 1501, respectively. <<0>> in the array index means that reception is coming from DPI 0. It is better to use tcp, because for udp packets can be lost when the MTU is exceeded. **Parameter list** * IPFIX_FULLFLOW_PORT_TYPE[i] и IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_PORT_TYPE[i] determine the type of traffic received on the port: tcp or udp. It is recommended to install tcp. * IPFIX_FULLFLOW_PORT[i] и IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_PORT[i] determine the port number. * TRAFFIC_DIR_DEF_MODE и SUBSCRIBER_FILTER_MODE defines the subscriber filtering mode according to the asnum_local_dic and subnets_local_dic directories. TRAFFIC_DIR_DEF_MODE = 0 and SUBSCRIBER_FILTER_MODE = 0 mean that there is no need to calculate traffic direction and filter subscribers. * SUBSCRIBER_EXCLUDE_MODE defines the subscriber filtering mode according to the asnum_exclude_diс and subnets_exclude_dic directories. SUBSCRIBER_EXCLUDE_MODE = 0 means no filtering is required. * IPFIX_FULLFLOW_EXPORT[i] and IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_EXPORT[i] make it possible to configure export to third-party receivers. Format ip/port/proto[,ip/port/proto]. * IPFIX_FULLFLOW_ROTATE_MINUTES[i] и IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_ROTATE_MINUTES[i] make it possible to configure the period of rotation of dumps and write them to the database. By default, this is 10 minutes for fullflow and 12 minutes for clickstream. * IPFIX_FULLFLOW_ROTATE_DELAY_SECONDS[i] и IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_ROTATE_DELAY_SECONDS[i] make it possible to configure the delay for inserting data for a certain number of seconds. The default for fullflow is 0 seconds, for clickstream it is 400 seconds. The latency for clickstream relative to fullflow is needed to ensure that the fullflow and clickstream logs are connected to enrich statistical reports. * IPFIX_FULLFLOW_FW_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE[i] и IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_FW_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE[i] determine the maximum queue size on receivers. Better not to touch. If the configuration has changed, you need to run fastor-restart **The following configuration example allows you to configure reception from multiple DPI** \\ #Ipfix form DPI 0 IPFIX_FULLFLOW_PORT_TYPE[0]=tcp IPFIX_FULLFLOW_PORT[0]=1500 IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_PORT_TYPE[0]=tcp IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_PORT[0]=1501 #Ipfix form DPI 1 IPFIX_FULLFLOW_PORT_TYPE[1]=tcp IPFIX_FULLFLOW_PORT[1]=1510 IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_PORT_TYPE[1]=tcp IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_PORT[1]=1511 #Ipfix form DPI 2 IPFIX_FULLFLOW_PORT_TYPE[2]=tcp IPFIX_FULLFLOW_PORT[2]=1520 IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_PORT_TYPE[2]=tcp IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_PORT[2]=1521 **An example of a configuration when subscriber identification by CIDR is required** This configuration is relevant in cases when the DPI is installed on the mirror. TRAFFIC_DIR_DEF_MODE=2 SUBSCRIBER_FILTER_MODE=2 Don't forget to set up the subnets_local_dic reference for this configuration example! **Configuration example when export to third-party receivers is configured** IPFIX_FULLFLOW_PORT_TYPE[0]=tcp IPFIX_FULLFLOW_PORT[0]=1500 IPFIX_FULLFLOW_EXPORT[0]= IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_PORT_TYPE[0]=tcp IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_PORT[0]=1501 IPFIX_CLICKSTREAM_EXPORT[0]= == Restarting receivers == Restarting all receivers can be done with the command fastor-restart If you need to restart the receivers separately, this can be done by restarting the services, for example * For CentOS 7 systemctl restart qoestor_fullflow_0.service systemctl restart qoestor_clickstream_0.service * For CentOS 6 service qoestor_fullflow_0 stop service qoestor_clickstream_0 stop service qoestor_fullflow_0 start service qoestor_clickstream_0 start == Stopping receivers == * For CentOS 7 systemctl stop qoestor_fullflow_0.service systemctl stop qoestor_clickstream_0.service * For CentOS 6 service qoestor_clickstream_0 stop service qoestor_fullflow_0 stop == Stopping and starting the clickhouse database == * Stopping fastor-db-stop * Starting fastor-db-restart