====== Information about dictionaries ====== {{indexmenu_n>3}} In this section you can see a list of dictionaries and important information about them: dictionary file path, the number of records, date of creation, errors (if there are any). {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:uгser_guide:qoe_analytics:admin:dics_info.png?1200 |}} In the subsections you can see the contents of the dictionaries, such as the AS number directory. {{ :dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:uгser_guide:qoe_analytics:admin:dic_as_info.png?1200 |}} The system contains the following dictionaries: * AS numbers directory * Local AS numbers directory * Excluded AS directory * CRC directory * Network protocols directory * Application protocol groups directory * Application protocols directory * Configurations directory * Directory of local subnets * Directory of excluded subnets * Subscribers directory * Switches Directory * Host Categories Directory * Directory of hosts in categories * Vchannels names dictionary * Dictionary of GTP element locations