====== Integration with billing systems ====== {{indexmenu_n>4}} We have prepared turnkey integrations with popular billing systems. - [[https://www.lanbilling.ru/technical-information/use-cases/skatDPI-ipoe/| Integration of ACP LANBilling and SSG (IPOE)]] - [[https://www.lanbilling.ru/technical-information/use-cases/skatDPI-pppoe/| Integration of ACP LANBilling and SSG (PPPoE)]] - [[https://docs.carbonsoft.ru/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=110919683| Integration of Carbon OSS Billing and SSG (IPoE)]] - [[https://docs.bitel.ru/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=125960200| Integration of BGBilling and SSG (IPOE)]] - [[https://wiki.hydra-billing.ru/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=24315428| Integration of ACP "Hydra" and SSG through the agent Hard]] - [[https://wiki.mikbill.pro/billing/nas_access_server/ckat_dpi | Integration of ACP MikBill and SSG]] - [[https://lightbilling.cloud/packaging/skat/skat.html| Integration of LightBilling and SSG]] If you use freeRadius in conjunction with another billing system, the integration will go just as smoothly. If you have any questions, we are ready to answer them within the framework of technical support.