====== CLI for Subscribers Management ====== {{indexmenu_n>5}} Subscriber management commands ===== subs auth ===== {{anchor:subs_auth}} Subscriber authorization status control commands. The subscriber is identified with his IP-address. You can specify a single IP address or a group of addresses as CIDR or as a range of IP addresses: fdpi_cli subs auth show [IP | CIDR | IP_RANGE] # IP - a single specified IP-address # CIDR - all subscribers from the specified subnet # IP_RANGE - all subscribers from the specified range. The end of the range is NOT considered. # Examples: # IP - a specified IP-address fdpi_cli subs auth show # CIDR fdpi_cli subs auth show fdpi_cli subs auth show 2001:67:abcd::67/56 # IP_RANGE fdpi_cli subs auth show - fdpi_cli subs auth show 2001:67:abcd:: - 2001:67:abcd:56:: ==== subs auth show ==== The command displays the status of subscribers' authorization. Displaying authorization status for all subscribers: fdpi_cli subs auth show all Displaying authorization status for a specified IP-address or a range of IP-addresses: fdpi_cli subs auth show [IP | CIDR | IP_RANGE] # Examples: # IP - a specified IP-address fdpi_cli subs auth show # CIDR fdpi_cli subs auth show fdpi_cli subs auth show 2001:67:abcd::67/56 # IP_RANGE fdpi_cli subs auth show - fdpi_cli subs auth show 2001:67:abcd:: - 2001:67:abcd:56:: ==== subs auth set ==== Sets subscribers' authorization status. General command format: fdpi_cli subs auth set [ip-range] [params] ''ip-range'': * an IPv4 or IPv6-address - setting the authorization status for a specific subscriber. * IPv4/IPv6 CIDR - setting the authorization status for all subscribers of a given CIDR. * range of IP-addresses - setting the authorization status for all subscribers from this range. The end of the range is NOT considered. * ''all'' - setting the authorization status for all IP-addresses found in the DPI. ''params'' - the parameters: * ''state=unk|auth|noauth'' - authorization status: unknown (''unk''), authorized (''auth''), unauthorized (''noauth''). The "Unknown" status is similar to command ''subs auth clear'', status "Unauthorized" - is similar to getting ''Access-Reject'' from Radius, "Authorized" - similar to ''Access-Accept'' * ''expired=