Policing of the Common Channel [Документация VAS Experts]


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en:dpi:dpi_options:opt_shaping:shaping_settings:start [2023/08/28 15:12] edrudichgmailcomen:dpi:dpi_options:opt_shaping:shaping_settings:start [Unknown date] (current) – removed - external edit (Unknown date)
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-====== Configuration ====== 
-The option is configured or disabled by parameters in configuration file **/etc/dpi/fastdpi.conf.** 
-The bandwidth limits are set up by each of 8 protocol classes (groups) available.  
-When using a token bucket: 
-#For the inbound traffic 
-tbf_inbound_class0=rate 15mbit 
-tbf_inbound_class1=rate 15mbit 
-tbf_inbound_class2=rate 15mbit 
-tbf_inbound_class3=rate 15mbit 
-tbf_inbound_class4=rate 15mbit 
-tbf_inbound_class5=rate 15mbit 
-tbf_inbound_class6=rate 15mbit 
-tbf_inbound_class7=rate 15mbit 
-#For the outbound traffic 
-tbf_class0=rate 15mbit 
-tbf_class1=rate 15mbit 
-tbf_class2=rate 15mbit 
-tbf_class3=rate 15mbit 
-tbf_class4=rate 15mbit 
-tbf_class5=rate 15mbit 
-tbf_class6=rate 15mbit 
-tbf_class7=rate 15mbit 
-One can optionally indicate parameters peakrate, burst, cburst. The bandwidth is not limited for a class with no explicit restrictions. 
-When using HTB: 
-#For the inbound traffic 
-htb_inbound_root=rate 900mbit  
-htb_inbound_class0=rate 300mbit ceil 900mbit 
-htb_inbound_class1=rate 100mbit ceil 200mbit 
-htb_inbound_class2=rate 100mbit ceil 200mbit 
-htb_inbound_class3=rate 100mbit ceil 200mbit 
-htb_inbound_class4=rate 100mbit ceil 100mbit 
-htb_inbound_class5=rate 100mbit ceil 100mbit 
-htb_inbound_class6=rate 50mbit  ceil 100mbit 
-htb_inbound_class7=rate 50mbit  ceil 100mbit 
-#For the outbound traffic 
-htb_root=rate 900mbit  
-htb_class0=rate 300mbit ceil 900mbit 
-htb_class1=rate 100mbit ceil 200mbit 
-htb_class2=rate 100mbit ceil 200mbit 
-htb_class3=rate 100mbit ceil 200mbit 
-htb_class4=rate 100mbit ceil 100mbit 
-htb_class5=rate 100mbit ceil 100mbit 
-htb_class6=rate 50mbit  ceil 100mbit 
-htb_class7=rate 50mbit  ceil 100mbit 
-htb_root - is a root class that specifies the total bandwidth. The bandwidth redistribution is arranged within this class. The usage can grow up till this limit, if no ceil is specified 
-rate - minimal bandwidth 
-ceil - maximal bandwidth that can be borrowed from the root class if available 
-One can optionally specify parameters burst, cburst. The sum of parameters rate of all classes must not exceed the overall bandwidth limit. Otherwise the behaviour is undefined. 
-Bandwidth allocation for some classes (for example, peering) can be deduced from the HTB if you specify the keyword "static: for them in the description, in this case the restriction for this class will work like tbf without binding to htb_root 
-htb_inbound_class6 = rate 200mbit static 
-htb_class6 = rate 200mbit static 
-//The advanced users// can activate the feedback loop method. It works as follows: 
-The inbound traffic limit is set up in the configuration. The ceil parameter is specified for class htb_root: 
-htb_inbound_root=rate 800mbit ceil 950mbit 
-htb_root=rate 450mbit ceil 600mbit 
-On exceeding of the specified rate=800mbit by the inbound traffic, the upper limit ceil for the outbound traffic starts to decrease. The latest limit is specified by the parameter htb_root ceil=600mbit. However, even when the inbound traffic exceeds ceil=950mbit, the outbound traffic would not be restricted stronger than specified by htb_root rate=450mbit. The percentage of excess traffic is counted by the range ceil 950mbit <-> rate 800mbit. The outbound traffic is reduced by the same percentage. On the reduction of сeil value specified in htb_root, other classes redistribute the traffic to keep the total limit set up in htb_root. 
-This method is effective for protocols operating by query - reply scheme. Limitations of the outbound traffic (query) lead to decrease in the inbound one (reply). Most of application protocols belong to this class. 
-If the limit is not specified for some class, it can take all the bandwidth available.\\ 
-The correspondence between dscp priority and poliсing class depends on the [[en:dpi:dpi_options:opt_priority:priority_config:dscp_table|setting of class_order]]