Management [Документация VAS Experts]


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en:dpi:dpi_options:opt_notify:notify_mgmt:start [2023/08/28 15:05] edrudichgmailcomen:dpi:dpi_options:opt_notify:notify_mgmt:start [Unknown date] (current) – removed - external edit (Unknown date)
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-====== Management ====== 
-This service is configured on individual subscribers' level by [[en:dpi:dpi_components:platform:subscriber_management:subsman_cmd:start|fdpi_ctrl]]. 
-Instruction format: 
-fdpi_ctrl command --service 6 [IP_list] 
-You can find more details on the instruction syntax and IP specification methods here: [[en:dpi:dpi_components:platform:subscriber_management:subsman_cmd:start|Control instructions]] 
-===== Examples ===== 
-1. To activate notification for a particular subscriber **with a default profile** (configuration file ///etc/dpi/fastdpi.conf//): 
-fdpi_ctrl load --service 6 --ip 
-<note important>After successful notification the service is switched off automatically.</note> 
-2. To create **a named profile** and to activate notification with a profile for a group of subscribers 
-<code ini> 
-fdpi_ctrl load profile --service 6  TV_channel_our_football_advertisment --profile.json '{ "redirect" : "", "check" : true }' 
-fdpi_ctrl load --service 6 TV_channel_our_football_advertisment --ip 
-fdpi_ctrl load --service 6 TV_channel_our_football_advertisment --ip 
-here the following profile setting using the json format are set: 
-  * redirect - redirection page 
-  * Check: true/false - check or not to check if the redirection succeeded  
-<note important>(redirection checking allows you to increase the reliability of this service, but requires the requests to the redirection page being routed through the DPI)</note> 
-3. To activate the notification service with **the anonymous profile** (profile without a name existing up to the subscriber's service deactivation) for a particular subscriber: 
-<code ini> 
-fdpi_ctrl load --service 6 --profile.json '{ "redirect" : "", "check" : true }' --ip 
-===== Examples of named profiles management ===== 
-1. To search the subscribers with active notification service with the given profile name 
-fdpi_ctrl list all --service 6 TV_channel_football_advertisment 
-2. To delete a named profile (there should be no subscribers using this profile) 
-fdpi_ctrl del profile --service 6 tariff_10 
-3. To change the service (profile) settings (new settings are applied to all the subscribers with specified service profile) 
-<code ini> 
-fdpi_ctrl load profile --service 6 TV_channel_our_football_advertisment --profile.json '{ "redirect" : "", "check" : true }' 