Configuration [Документация VAS Experts]


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en:dpi:dpi_options:opt_notify:notify_conf:start [2023/08/28 15:05] edrudichgmailcomen:dpi:dpi_options:opt_notify:notify_conf:start [Unknown date] (current) – removed - external edit (Unknown date)
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-====== Configuration ====== 
-The option can be enabled in two ways: 
-  - Default profile: global configuration on the device, connected as a service without specifying a profile. 
-  - Named profile: connected as a service with the name of the profile. 
-<note important>For BRAS you have to use **profiles named in the Radius-Accept attributes.**</note> 
-===== Default profile ===== 
-Enable the configuration parameter in ///etc/dpi/fastdpi.conf// for the default profile without a named one: 
-Here <nowiki></nowiki> - is the name or the address of the server((In case this parameter ends by ? or &: the parameter UrlRedir is added to the formed URL. It points to a page selected by a subscriber.)) that hosts information page. 
-<note important>You can include a part of the path into the address. It allows using the same server for several services.</note> 
-After the parameter is added, you have to restart the service: 
-<code>service fastdpi restart</code> 
-In this case management is carried out through connecting service 6 without specifying a profile: 
-<code>fdpi_ctrl load --service 6 --ip 
-fdpi_ctrl load --service 6 --login user01</code> 
-===== Named profile ===== 
-To work with a named profile, you do not need to specify the ntf_server parameter. The configuration is described in the service management section.\\ 
-The maximum number of profiles for notification is set by the configuration parameter in ///etc/dpi/fastdpi.conf// 
-Here 65535 is a default value and the upper limit. 
-<note warning>This is a cold parameter and requires a restart of fastdpi.</note> 
-===== Logs ===== 
-Service status change (automatic shutdown) is recorded in the log, which is enabled by the setting 
-For this log you can configure the following parameters (in the example the default value is specified): 
-<code ini>ajb_chnprg_path=/var/dump/dpi #место размещения файлов с записью 
-ajb_chnprg_fsize=1073741824 #максимальный размер лога 
-ajb_chnprg_ftimeout=10 #периодичность записи в минутах 
-ajb_chnprg_bufsize=32768 #размер внутреннего накопительного буфера 
-ajb_save_chnprg_format=ts:prg:ipsrc #формат записи где ts - временная метка, prg - id активных в данных момент сервисов, ipsrc - IP адрес источника запроса (абонента)</code> 
-Changes of service status is also recorded in the [[en:dpi:dpi_options:opt_li:start|clickstream]] in the prg field.