en:dpi:dpi_components:platform:dpi_install:start [Документация VAS Experts]


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en:dpi:dpi_components:platform:dpi_install:start [2021/07/22 17:32] – ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation lexx26en:dpi:dpi_components:platform:dpi_install:start [2023/09/04 09:48] (current) – removed elena.krasnobryzh
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-====== 2 Stingray Service Gateway implementation ====== 
-If you got the off-the-shelf system from us: please follow this section: [[en:dpi:install_point_scat:start|System connection]].  
-Otherwise, you should install the CentOS 8 operating system on your server manually and provide us with remote access via SSH and root privileges for installation and initial configuration of the platform. 
-Once the installation is completed the remote access can be closed. 
-===== 2.1 Preparing the server and installing CentOS 8 ===== 
-  - Before mounting the server in a rack make sure that it meets the [[en:dpi:dpi_components:platform:dpi_requirements:start|requirements]]. If inconsistencies are observed at this stage, please contact the [[en:dpi:techsupport_info:start|VAS Experts technical support]] in order to address promptly issues that arise. 
-  - Install CentOS 8.3 using the following link: [[http://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/8/isos/x86_64//|ISO CentOS 8.3 minimal]] 
-<note tip> 
-Please take a look at [[en:dpi:dpi_components:platform:faq:first_install:first_install:install_os_core|list of supported kernel versions]]. 
-<note warning> 
-CentOS version 7 currently is not supported! 
-===== 2.2 Preconfiguring of CentOS 8 ===== 
-  - Create the **vasexpertsmnt** user: <code>adduser -m -G wheel -u 3333 vasexpertsmnt</code> 
-  - Set the password for  **vasexpertsmnt**: <code>passwd vasexpertsmnt</code> For convenience, you can generate a password using openssl: <code>openssl rand -base64 15</code> 
-  - Please save **vasexpertsmnt** password. 
-  - Set the permission the wheel group users to issue all the commands on behalf of all users. To do this, add the following line to /etc/sudoers: <code>%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL</code> 
-  - To provide remote access via SSH and to restrict on valid IP addresses from the list:<code> 
-,,,,,,,,,</code> just add the following lines to the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:<code>PermitRootLogin no 
-AllowUsers vasexpertsmnt@ vasexpertsmnt@ vasexpertsmnt@ vasexpertsmnt@ vasexpertsmnt@ vasexpertsmnt@ vasexpertsmnt@ 
-PasswordAuthentication yes 
-  - Set the [[en:dpi:dpi_components:platform:faq:first_install:ipsetincenos:start|IP address]]  
-  - After you make sure the remote access via SSH is provided, send the password and username to the [[en:dpi:techsupport_info:start|VAS Experts technical support]]. 
-**! Save your settings since the server will be restarted during the installation process! ** 
-Initial installation of the DPI platform has to be made by service engineers of the [[en:dpi:techsupport_info:start|VAS Experts technical support]] or by the VAS Experts partners.  
-<note warning> 
-Do not upgrade the OS kernel before [[en:dpi:dpi_components:platform:dpi_update:start|upgrade]] system activation. This may lead to malfunction of the network card driver(([[en:dpi:dpi_components:platform:dpi_update:errata:start|How to fix the problem]])). 
-===== 2.3 Configuring the VAS Experts DPI ===== 
-Once the license and the fastdpi are installed, at least 3 network interfaces will be available in the system:\\ 1) **dna0** is used as an **input** port for traffic transit via DPI;\\ 
-2) **dna1** is used as an **output** port for traffic transit via DPI (it is absent when using mirroring connection scheme);\\ 
-3) **eth0** is used as **management** port for the VAS Experts DPI.\\ 
-It is recommended to check the [[en:dpi:dpi_components:platform:faq:first_install:ipsetincenos:start|IP address]] settings of management port after the the VAS Experts DPI initial setup.\\ 
-Next, you should edit the **/etc/dpi/fastdpi.conf** configuration file:\\ 
-==== 2.3.1 Configuring of transit ==== 
-=== When installing the Stingray Service Gateway using INLINE installation scheme: === 
-<code ini> 
-#Scale factor is about 1 for every 1 Gigabit of bandwidth 
-#FDPI Control 
-#Turn on UDP detection 
-#Turn on UDR 
-=== When installing the Stingray Service Gateway using MIRRORING installation scheme: === 
-<code ini> 
-#Scale factor is about 1 for every 1 Gigabit of bandwidth 
-#FDPI Control 
-#Turn on UDP detection 
-#Turn on UDR 
-==== 2.3.2 Statistics gathering ==== 
-<code ini> 
-# Enabling the collection and export of statistics 
-# Managing the export format for a complete netflow  
-# Name of the network interface that sends netflow with statistics 
-# Periodicity of data export in seconds  
-# IP address and port number of the netflow collector with full statistics 
-# The maximum netflow in Mbit/ 
-# The time in seconds after which the non-active session is considered complete 
-# The length of the fragment for a long session in seconds  
-#URL upload 
-# The name of the network interface for sending clickstream via ipfix  
-# IP or the domain name (: port) of the clickstream header ipfix. You can specify several collectors separated by a comma. 
-# Unique domain (id) for the recognition by the collector  
-# IP or the domain name (: port) of the meta clickstream header ipfix. You can specify several collectors separated by a comma. 
-<note tip>Additional settings are made depending on which components you are going to use, their descriptions are presented in [[en:dpi:dpi_components:start| section 3]] within the relevant components.</note>