Version Information [Документация VAS Experts]


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en:dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:install_and_update:version_information [2023/08/30 12:30] elena.krasnobryzhen:dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:install_and_update:version_information [2025/01/14 08:40] (current) arusnak
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-====== version_information ======+====== Version Information ====== 
 +=== Version v.2.36.3 (01/14/2025) === 
 +  * Improvement: Report Manager in QoE 
 +  * New section: My Reports in QoE section 
 +=== Version v.2.35.4 (09/26/2024) === 
 +  * Improvement: Possibility of SSH connection to equipment using keys. [[en:dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:user_guide:admin_section:equipment_management:ssh_keys|More details]] 
 +  * New section: Administrator / SSH keys 
 +  * Redesigned DPI Control / HotSpot section 
 +  * HotSpot: Added the ability to authorize an outgoing call 
 +  * HotSpot: Added the ability to apply services/tariffs for a subscriber via a Web hook to a third-party service 
 +  * Bug fix 
 +=== Version v.2.34.5 (06/18/2024) === 
 +  * Improvement: Subscriber synchronization indicator, list auto-update after synchronization 
 +  * Improvement: QoE reporting settings: visibility of columns/series, step in graphical reports, row limit. For PDF, the ability to set the Report Title, page orientation, display filters 
 +  * Improvement: Automatic deletion of data from the default QoE Stor disk. The setting is enabled by default unless otherwise configured. 
 +  * Improvement: Grouping Multi Subscribers in the DPI Management / Subscribers section 
 +  * Bug fix 
 +=== Version v.2.33.42 (04/25/2024) === 
 +  * Improvement: Cluster editing section in the QoE Stor Configuration section 
 +  * New section: Sections for configuration and viewing IPFIX balancer logs 
 +  * Improvement: Display of compression logs 
 +  * Enhancement: Data formatting in QoE tabular reports 
 +  * Improvement: AS name in legends of graphical PDF reports 
 +  * Improvement: A number of improvements in PDF reports in the QoE Analytics sections 
 +  * Improvement: Ability to add ASN in custom protocols 
 +  * Improvement: AS name lookup in the Prioritization by ASN section 
 +  * Improvement: Date-time by browser in Notifications 
 +  * Improvement: License options 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when double clicking on notification 
 +  * Bug fix: Error when synchronizing the statuses of IPv6 addresses of subscribers 
 +=== Version v.2.33.5 (02/20/2024) === 
 +  * New section: QoE Analytics / DNS Flow 
 +  * New Section: QoE Analytics / Raw DNS Flow 
 +=== Version v.2.32.70 (02/05/2024) === 
 +  * Improvement: New filter for blocked/redirected HTTP,HTTPS requests in QoE 
 +  * Improvement: New filter for inbound/outbound traffic in QoE 
 +  * Improvement: Added MPLS tags to QoE reports 
 +  * New widget: Report for DSCP values(from 0 to 64) in QoE 
 +  * Improvement: Usability while working with QoE reports and filters 
 +  * Improvement: Localization in table reports in QoE triggers 
 +  * Improvement: Visual content of exported QoE PDF reports 
 +  * New feature: Sending reports as attached to mail files in QoE triggers 
 +  * Improvement: Ability to manage IPv6 based channels 
 +  * Improvement: Added the Traffic Redirection service (service code - 17) 
 +  * New section: Session Policing service (service code - 18) 
 +  * Improvement: Added ability to import LONG list to Custom protocols 
 +  * Improvement: Vascloud authorization by token 
 +  * Bug-fix 
 +=== Version v.2.31.1 (08/21/2023) === 
 +  * New feature: Ability to change the aggregation step (aggregation period) fullflow when data becomes outdated 
 +  * Improvement: Replaced avarage RTT with median RTT in all QoE reports. Requires QoE Stor version 1.19.1 or higher 
 +  * Improved widgets: Monitoring of infected subscribers and Monitoring of uplinks 
 +  * Bug-fix 
 +=== Version v.2.30.4 (06/28/2023) === 
 +  * New feature: [[en:dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:user_guide:admin_section:qoestor_man:fullflow_compress|Raw fullflow compression]] 
 +  * New widget: [[en:dpi:qoe:use_cases:full_netflow_analytics#threats_monitor_service|Threats monitor]] 
 +  * Widget enhancement: [[en:dpi:qoe:use_cases:full_netflow_analytics#uplink_monitoring_service|Uplink monitor]] 
 +  * Bug-fix 
 +=== Version v.2.29.2 (05/15/2023) === 
 +   * Improvement: Protocols in Filter UI: ability to save a backup copy of current rules, ability to specify ISP for the rule 
 +   * New section: User actionslog 
 +   * Bug-fix 
 +=== Version v.2.28.3 (03/21/2023) === 
 +   * New section: User action log 
 +   * Enhancement: Improved algorithm for processing Kaspersky feeds 
 +   * Enhancement: Added collection of dpiui2 usage statistics 
 +   * Bug-fix: Fixed subscriber synchronization algorithm 
 +=== Version v.2.27.3 (01/25/2023) === 
 +   * New widget: Uplink monitoring 
 +   * Improvement: The algorithm for building subscriber routes on the map in the GTP flow section has been redesigned 
 +   * Improvement: Added the ability to configure vchannel by CIDR 
 +   * Bug-fix: Fixed work of the "Excel export" widget when working with regular tables 
 +=== Version v.2.26.4 (12/15/2022) === 
 +   * New module: Captcha server for DDoS protection 
 +   * New section: Managing and configuring the Captcha server for DDoS protection 
 +   * Enhancement: Export QoE Reports from QoE Stor server 
 +   * Enhancement: Added the ability to send alerts from the "Triggers & Alerts" section to Telegram 
 +   * Enhancement: Nodejs migrated from 12.x version to 18.x for CentOS8+ and 14.x for CentOS7 
 +   * Enhancement: Added ability to send a test e-mail from the "GUI configuration" section 
 +   * Bug fix 
 +=== Version v.2.25.20 (09/08/2022) === 
 +   * New feature: [[en:dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:ulr_ui#vip_subscriber_management|VIP Subscriber Management (Service 15)]] 
 +   * New section: Managing VIP subscribers in Filter UI 
 +   * New feature: File System and Database Backup Engine 
 +   * New feature: GUI Server Redundancy. File system and database replication 
 +   * New section:  AS and DSCP - Autonomous Systems Management in Filter UI 
 +   * Enhancement: Ability to add an IPv6 address in the IP and AS Exclusions section of the Filter UI 
 +   * Bug fix 
 +   * New feature: Auto-recovery of file system and database from backups 
 +=== Version v.2.24.2 (06/29/2022) === 
 +   * New feature: Ability to set filters in QoE dashboard 
 +   * New Feature: Ability to enter CIDR+PORT in User Protocols 
 +   * New feature: In the Performance/Statistics section, the display of dropped packets on the graphs for each class has been added 
 +   * Bug-fix: Fixed problem with displaying QoE Online reports if browser and server timezones do not match 
 +   * Bug-fix: Fixed problem with displaying aliases in the Performance/Online/Devices section 
 +=== Version v.2.23.3 (04/20/2022) === 
 +   * New section: Online statistics 
 +   * New section: Protection against DOS and DDOS attacks 
 +   * New feature: Multiple input of resources in custom protocols 
 +   * New feature: Auto-updating QoE directories when updating User protocols 
 +   * New feature: Simplified setup for downloading User protocol directories in QoE 
 +   * New feature: Period Widget in Performance/Statistics section 
 +   * New feature: Manage video classification settings in Site Classifier 
 +   * Bug fix: Incorrect import of IP PORT records in the Black and White Lists section 
 +=== Version  v.2.22.4 (02/21/2022) === 
 +   * New feature: Social internet service 
 +   * New feature: Hardware diagnostic function 
 +   * New feature: Personalized dashboard in QoE 
 +   * New feature: Rechecking category and host in the Sites classifier 
 +   * New feature: Classified filter lists in Filter UI 
 +   * New feature: Forbidden to ping the subscriber in case of L3 authorization 
 +   * Support: New CGNAT statistics format supported in DPI 11.2 versions 
 +   * Bug-fix: Displaying the date in the Performance section 
 +   * Bug-fix: CGNAT profile synchronization in case when login=IP 
 +   * Bug-fix: Subscriber editing form  
 +=== Version v.2.21.5 (11/15/2021) === 
 +   * Site classifier section: added the ability to recognize pornographic images and classify sites into porn / non-porn by the presence of such images  
 +   * Performance section: added the Devices tab, informing about the status of links  
 +   * Subscribers and Services section: synchronization refactoring  
 +   * Custom protocols section: added signature validation  
 +   * Configuration section: added Router parameters  
 +   * AS Prioritization section: added IPv6 support  
 +   * QoE analytics sections: added c% columns in protocol reports  
 +   * QoE analytics sections: Country code and Network code dictionaries for determining base stations in GTP traffic  
 +   * QoE analytics sections: bug fix  
 +   * Filter UI sections: bug fix  
 +   * Menu redesign 
 +=== Version v.2.20.2 (08/23/2021) === 
 +   * New section Custom protocols - Create and manage custom FastDPI protocols (signatures) 
 +   * Management of cluster of QoE Stor 
 +   * Improvements in Filter UI (global interface)  
 +=== Version v.2.19.3 (06/30/2021) === 
 +  * New LI section: Traffic analysis - decoding Web, Dns, Mail, Voip, Ftp from PCAP files 
 +  * New Vchannels section - service and policy management for virtual channels  
 +  * New Tariff Schedule function - schedule management for tariff plans  
 +  * New function BL and WL Schedule - control of automatic updating of lists  
 +  * New feature BL and WL Categories - inclusion of whole categories of sites in the lists  
 +  * Many internal improvements and bug fixes 
 +=== Version v.2.18.2 (03/22/2021) === 
 +  * Improved section Prioritization by protocols: managing groups of protocols through a master part 
 +  * Custom aggregated logs and reports 
 +  * License check in the absence of the Internet 
 +  * Ability to use the maps offline 
 +  * Added options in DPI Configuration section 
 +  * Improvements on the Classifier: the ability to assign a category to a folder, a bug fix 
 +  * Auto-tuning of the grid step in QoE graphs depending on the aggregation parameters  
 +=== Version v.2.17.15 (12/28/2020) === 
 +  * Database of protocols in VAS Cloud, synchronization of protocols in dpiui2 and QoE Stor 
 +  * Management of the site Classifier model. Synchronizing models between VAS Cloud, dpiui2 and QoE Stor subsystems 
 +  * Synchronization of the directory of site categories in the subsystems VAS Cloud, dpiui2 and QoE Stor 
 +  * Sections Configuration and Logs of the site classifier 
 +  * Ability to set DSCP for a group of protocols in the main and ULR interface 
 +  * In the Subscribers and services section, the management of subscriber properties specific to BRAS has been added: L2-properties, Authorization, Ping 
 +  * Building QoE reports is accelerated more than 10 times 
 +  * Added the ability to build reports for more than 10 minutes 
 +  * Receive Netstream NAT from third-party systems in QoE Stor. Automatic IP-LOGIN binding in NAT logs 
 +  * Added reports to QoE 
 +  * - RTT, Traffic, Retransmits by protocol groups 
 +  * - RTT, Traffic, Retransmits on GTP base stations 
 +=== Версия v.2.16.7 (12.12.2020) === 
 +   * Added a new section Terminal: the ability to execute CLI commands on equipment, command reference 
 +   * Added reports on traffic classes in QoE 
 +   * Added reports by traffic classes in the Performance section 
 +   * Added summary statistics on interfaces in the Performance section 
 +   * Updated parameter reference in the Configuration section 
 +   * Added SSO-like authorization, centralized login on multiple instances 
 +   * QoE sections in ULR 
 +   * Flexible configuration of fullflow and clickstream aggregation in QoE Stor 
 +=== Version v.2.15.2 (10/15/2020) === 
 +   * Launch optimization 
 +   * NAT sections in QoE 
 +   * GTP sections in QoE. Geolocation and routes of mobile subscribers on the map 
 +   * Flexible management of data storage on HOT and COLD disks. Automatic data transfer 
 +   * Ability to configure the storage period for QoE logs separately 
 +   * Possibility of flexible configuration of aggregation of NAT logs in QoE 
 +   * Corrections in SORM sections 
 +   * Optimized loading of advertising JS scripts 
 +   * Section Site Classifier 
 +   * Fix bugs 
 +=== Version v.2.14.4 (10/02/2020) === 
 +   * Added the ability to clear the Wifi Hotspot configuration 
 +   * Bug fixes in the Wifi Hotspot section 
 +=== Version v.2.14.2 (09/14/2020) === 
 +   * Reworked DPI Configuration section. Works through a universal reference book. Added BRAS parameters. Flexible grouping. Scripts. 
 +   * Buttons Update hot parameters in the sections Prioritization by protocols and AS 
 +   * Bug fix 
 +=== Version v.2.13.1 (06/29/2020) === 
 +  * Fast PCRF configuration section 
 +  * New Fast PCRF log section 
 +  * Revised Fast DPI Logs section 
 +  * Bug fix 
 +=== Version v.2.11.6 (06/01/2020) === 
 +  * Bug fix 
 +  * Ability to install on CentOS 8 
 +=== Version v.2.10.14 (04/09/2020) === 
 +  * Updated protocol dictionaries 
 +  * Added push notifications: 
 +  - About connecting to a device 
 +  - Data synchronization and 
 +  - Notifications from the section "Triggers and Notifications" 
 +  * Added section for viewing and downloading DPIUI2 logs 
 +  * Added QoE Stor configuration section via DPIUI2 
 +  * Added section for viewing and downloading QoE Stor logs 
 +  * Fixed interface bugs in existing sections 
 +=== Version v.2.9.5 (12/25/2019) === 
 +  * Congratulations on NG 2020 and the opportunity to receive a gift! 
 +  * New section DPIUI2 server configuration 
 +  * New DPIUI2 update section: the ability to update and auto-update the dpiui2 version 
 +  * Tariffs refactoring 
 +  * Equipment section refactoring 
 +  * In the JSON API of the QoE section, the parameter for the maximum number of entries is made in the settings 
 +  * Minor bug fix 
 +=== Version v.2.8.2 (06.11.2019) === 
 +  * SSH bruteforce report 
 +  * System trigger with bruteforce SSH report 
 +  * Filtering by CIDR has been fixed 
 +  * Personal account for operator's subscribers  
 +  * Fixes in the Hotspot section 
 +  * Usability fixes: text filter in tables, service profile selection in the subscriber’s card, codes in services are replaced by names 
 +  * Bug concerning removal of Mini Firewall and CGNAT services from a subscriber has been fixed 
 +  * Check for class sum when using the static keyword 
 +=== Version v.2.7.9 (25.10.2019) === 
 +  * VAS Cloud access using domain name 
 +  * Locked in the clickstream 
 +  * Critical bug in synchronization of subscribers service profiles has been fixed 
 +=== Version v.2.7.7 (16.09.2019) === 
 +  * Added new Mini firewall section  
 +  * Raw log analytics: Protocol and subscriber report sets 
 +  * VAS Cloud personal account: new section Charges and payments, new section Statistics, a new feature to request withdrawal of funds by the operator 
 +  * Incorporation of logs Clickstream and Netflow (the both raw and aggregated). Analytical reports on such logs 
 +=== Version v.2.6.6 (16.09.2019) === 
 +  * A new HotSpot management section is added 
 +  * Further improvements in the QoE/Logs section: speaker filters, column filters, Reset Filters button 
 +=== Version v.2.5.7 (06.09.2019) === 
 +  * Adaptation to the new version of the QoE Stor (fastor-1.1.1) 
 +  * Optimization of jobs for cleaning outdated partitions in QoE Stor 
 +  * Added "Directory of excluded subnets" and "Directory of excluded AC numbers" dictionaries in QoE/Administrator 
 +=== Version v.2.5.2 (16.08.2019) === 
 +  * Added a new section Triggers and notification 
 +  * Added licensing via VAS Cloud 
 +  * Bugfix in the  QoE Analytics and CG-NAT sections 
 +=== Version v.2.4.1 (11.07.2019) === 
 +  * Issue with the absence of subscribers list in the Block and Allow Lists section has been fixed 
 +  * Refactoring of dpiui2 and fastDPI update check functions 
 +  * Fixed an issue concerning occasionally hanging of ssh sessions  
 +=== Version v.2.4.0 (08.07.2019) === 
 +__A new CG-NAT section was added__ 
 +  * Added the feature to manage the CG NAT service (service 11) 
 +  * Added the feature to monitor the load level of CG NAT pools 
 +  * Support for all the innovations in the CG NAT service added in the Stingray Service Gateway 8.3.1 
 +  * Added filter "Number of sessions" in the QoE section / Subscribers 
 +  * Added the feature to save the filter in all QoE sections 
 +  * ДBackground check for a new version of fastDPI has been added 
 +=== Version v.2.3.4 (27.05.2019) === 
 +  * Fixed a number of issues in the Block and Allow Lists section 
 +  * Added “Use federal” option  
 +  * Added the reature to see the name of the service profile installed on DPI in the Tariffs, Block and Allow Lists sections 
 +=== Version v.2.3.1 (21.05.2019) === 
 +__Added a new section Services / Advertising & Ad blocking__ 
 +__Added the "Vas Cloud Services" new section / Personal account  and Vas Cloud / Vas ADS__ 
 +__In the Services / Subscribers and services__ 
 +  * Added the feature to apply a profile to the Block and Allow lists services 
 +  * Added the feature to apply a tariff plan 
 +__In the Services / Block and Allow Lists section__ 
 +  * Redesigned the mechanism for binding subscribers to the service 
 +  * Improved sync 
 +  * Improved import of lists from QoE 
 +  * Fixed a number of bugs 
 +__In the Services / Tariffs__ 
 +  * Improved synchronization of individual tariffs 
 +__In the Performance section__ 
 +  * Added an option to clear data for charts - CHART_DATA_DELETE_DAYS_INTERVAL parameter in .env 
 +  * Fixed incorrect displaying of a large number of CPUs on the CPU usage diagram 
 +  * Fixed incorrect displaying of clusters on traffic graphs on DNA interfaces 
 +__In the QoE Analytics section__ 
 +  * Added the feature to filter by IP addresses based on the mask (CIDR) 
 +  * Fixed several bugs 
 +  * A warning is displayed if fastDPI is not running 
 +  * Added the feature to automatically check for a new version of DPIUI2 
 +  * Added the feature to view the license on the DPI device 
 +=== Version v.2.2.0 (25.03.2019) === 
 +__ A new Tariff plans section is added__ 
 +  * Tariff Management 
 +  * Enabling/disabling of tariff plan to Subscribers 
 +  * Tariff plan import option 
 +__In the Analytics section__ 
 +  * A bug concerning the incorrect counting the subscribers number in the QoE Dashboard section is fixed 
 +  * New feature to set conditions for filtering traffic 
 +  * Report on Clickhouse processes. The ability to stop the process 
 +  * Report with charts on AS traffic 
 +  * Legends in series charts are shown in the tabular form 
 +  * Traffic volumes reports 
 +  * New feature to see the active report status is added 
 +  * Ability to stop report building is added 
 +  * Retransmit Reports 
 + __In Configuration and  Protocol prioritization (DSCP) sections __ 
 +  * Policing form is improved 
 +  * A bug with displaying protocol names containing spaces is fixed 
 +__In Subscribers and services section __ 
 +  * An issue regarding adding a subscriber without binding to the login is fixed 
 +  * New options are added to the filters: "No services", "No tariffs" 
 +=== Version v.2.1.14 (21.02.2019) === 
 +__Regarding "QOE ANALYTICS" section__ 
 +  * Query history widget (filters) is added 
 +  * Quick period of time selection widget is added 
 +  * Reports on Traffic are added 
 +  * “Mini” reports (with a minimum number of columns to speed up data processing) are added 
 +  * Feature to save the state of sections, jumping to desired tabs by link 
 +  * Columns sorting in reports ( by default descending order is used) is added 
 +  * Administrator section (the number of options will be expanded) is added 
 +  * Many bugs have been fixed 
 +__Regarding "DPI CONTROL/PERFORMANCE" section__ 
 +  * Charts of loading of cores of the processor (online and statistics) depending on time are added 
 +  * "Traffic on the interface" charts (Kbit/s) are added 
 +  * Some bugs have been fixed 
 +__Regarding "DPI CONTROL/CONFIGURATION" section__ 
 +  * A new feature to enable/disable displaying of comments to parameters is added 
 +  * Cosmetic tweaks  
 +__Regarding "SERVICES CONTROL" section__ 
 +  * New subsection "Block and Allow lists" under the "Services control/Services" is added 
 +  * Import of categories for Block and Allow lists from QoE 
 +  * Synchronization issues are fixed 
 +  * Error message displaying is added in case the subscriber for any reason is not added to the advertising campaign 
 +=== Version v.2.1.11 (21.12.2018) === 
 +  * Bugs regarding filters in QoE sections are fixed 
 +  * Bugs in the Prioritization by protocols (dscp) section are fixed 
 +  * Bugs in the Prioritization section for autonomous systems (AS) are fixed 
 +  * Bugs in the Subscribers and Services section are fixed. FTTB logins and IPv6 support is added 
 +  * Bugs in ADVERTISING section are fixed 
 +  * New feature to force synchronization of subscribers and campaigns appeared. Update period setting is added 
 +=== Version v.2.1.10 (03.12.2018) === 
 +  * A bug manifesting when user creates a cache, resulting in write operation interruption (under certain circumstances) 
 +  * Reports and filters by host categories are added 
 +=== Version v.2.1.9 (22.11.2018) === 
 +  * Export to Excel and other formats 
 +  * Export to PNG for charts 
 +  * Feature to select the type of charts 
 +  * Reports on raw click stream and flow logs using filters and features to export 
 +  * Clearing aggregated logs 
 +=== Version v.2.1.7 (13.11.2018) === 
 +  * A bug regarding filtering by time period is fixed. Now only the necessary partitions are queried, not the entire table 
 +  * Cache has been optimized. Now only the totals are stored in the cache, rather than intermediate data 
 +  * Bugs in "RTT distribution" and "Top subscribers with high RTT" reports are fixed 
 +=== Version v.2.1.5 (07.11.2018) === 
 +  * Bug related to unresponsive hung SSH sessions is fixed in version 2.1.4 
 +  * Other hot-fixes 
 +This version works with the QoE Stor 1.0.4+ module 
 +=== Version v.2.1.4 (02.11.2018) === 
 +The changes mainly concern the “QoE ANALYTICS” section and the [[en:dpi:dpi_components:qoestor|QoE Stor]] module. 
 +  * Memory consumption optimization (QoE Stor module) when generating reports is implemented 
 +  * Background reports generating 
 +This version works with the QoE Stor 1.0.4+ module 
 +=== Version v.2.1.0 (20.09.2018) === 
 +  * New [[en:dpi:qoe|QoE ANALYTICS]] section is added 
 +  * New [[en:dpi:dpi_components:dpiui:user_guide:ssg_control_section:ad_campaign_management|ADV CONTROL]] section is added 
 +=== Versions v.2.0.0 - v.2.0.6 === 
 +  * Further improvements 
 +  * Bug fixes 
 +=== Version v.2.0.0 (28.12.2017) === 
 +  * Interface is significantly improved  
 +  * Usability is significantly improved  